Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chapin, SC 29036
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chapin SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chapin Presbyterian Church | 803-932-4821 | 107 Virginia St # B | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
Chapin United Methodist Church | 803-345-2801 | 415 Lexington Ave | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
Lake Murray Evangelical Church | 803-345-7788 | 501 Murray Lindler Rd | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
Lake Murray Presbyterian Ch | 803-345-5140 | 2711 Dutch Fork Rd | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
Lake Murray Presbyterian Ch | 803-345-1152 | 2721 Dutch Fork Rd | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
Little River Baptist Church | 803-345-2217 | 343 Little River Church | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
Mt Hermon Lutheran Church | 803-345-2807 | 926 Church St | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
Mt Horeb Lutheran Church | 803-345-2000 | 101 E Boundary St | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
Mt Olivet Lutheran Church | 803-345-3333 | 11733 Broad River Rd | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 803-345-3006 | 110 Broomstraw Ct | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
Oak Grove United Presbyterian Ch | 803-945-7862 | 223 Mount Olivet Church | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
St Francis of Assisi Episcopal Churc | 803-345-1550 | 735 Old Lexington Hwy | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
St Jacob's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 803-345-2309 | 840 Columbia Ave | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
St John A M E Church | 803-345-3737 | 102 Broomstraw Ct | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
St Peter Lutheran Church Elca | 803-345-9309 | 900 Dreher Island Rd | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
White Rock Baptist Church | 803-732-5981 | 1409 Peace Haven Rd | Chapin | SC | 29036 |
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