Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbia, SC 29212
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Barton Bill Dr | 803-732-2273 | 6952 Saint Andrews Rd | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
Christus Victor Lutheran Church | 803-732-2668 | 400 Harbison Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 803-732-3853 | 337 W Passage | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
Cornerstone Presbyterian Ch | 803-772-1000 | 5637 Bush River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
First Baptist Church of Irmo | 803-781-1345 | 7068 Nursery Rd | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
Grace Covenant Associate Refor | 803-781-7115 | 116 Laurel Branch Way | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 803-732-1899 | 410 Harbison Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
McGregor Presbyterian Church | 803-781-2391 | 6505 Saint Andrews Rd | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
Morning Star Ministries | 803-781-0044 | 401 Harbison Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
Mt Olive Lutheran Church | 803-781-5845 | 1541 Lake Murray Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
New Heights Baptist Church | 803-772-6000 | 5501 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
Palmetto Church of Christ | 803-781-0909 | 7000 Nursery Rd | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
Palmetto Sports Outreach | 803-749-0925 | 416 Lost Creek Dr | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
Pleasant Spring Ame Church | 803-798-5552 | 675 Coldstream Dr | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
River Road and Jasmine Houses and Gard | 803-781-3315 | 2208 N Lake Dr | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
St Michael's Lutheran Church | 803-781-0229 | 400 River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29212 |
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