Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in West Columbia, SC 29169
* Each listing below of Churches Information for West Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brookland Academy Child Development Cen | 803-796-7525 | 1066 Sunset Blvd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Brookland Baptist Church | 803-796-5438 | 1030 Sunset Blvd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Brookland United Methodist Churc | 803-791-1450 | 541 Meeting St | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Calvary Chapel | 803-791-1011 | 1703 Shull St | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Christian Harvest Ministry | 803-791-0468 | 1626 Augusta Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Christian Outreach Center | 803-794-1001 | 1049 Harbor Dr | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 803-794-0123 | 1717 Platt Springs Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
First Baptist Church West Columbia | 803-791-0700 | 400 State St | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Grace Baptist Church | 803-794-8237 | 416 Denham Ave | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Green Hill Baptist Church | 803-791-5440 | 1734 Augusta Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Green Hill Baptist Church | 803-796-8899 | 1800 Augusta Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
House of Praise | 803-359-0382 | 3833 Leaphart Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
House of Prayer | 803-794-8762 | 311 Lexington St | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Mt Hermon Lutheran Church | 803-794-6430 | 3011 Leaphart Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Mt Pisgah Ame Church | 803-794-7473 | Dixiana Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church | 803-791-4735 | 411 Thompson Ave | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Mt Tabor Lutheran Church | 803-796-5948 | 1000 B Ave | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
New Beginnings Christian Fello | 803-936-1577 | 601 12th St | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Northside Baptist Church | 803-796-9786 | 1303 Sunset Blvd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Our Saviour Lutheran Church | 803-794-8180 | 1500 Sunset Blvd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Pineview Baptist Church | 803-791-8854 | 3010 Leaphart Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Prison Fellowship Ministries | 803-951-3199 | 137 Vanarsdale Dr | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Providence Presbyterian Church | 803-794-6766 | 1112 Hummingbird Dr | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Rhema Christian Center | 803-926-0481 | 554 Meeting St | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Saint Germain Foundation I Am | 803-939-0011 | 931 Lucas St N | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Saluda River Baptist Church | 803-796-5583 | 3459 Sunset Blvd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Sunset Blvd Baptist Church | 803-796-3095 | 2500 Sunset Blvd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 803-794-7777 | 1132 Gunter Cir | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
Turner Child Development Cen | 803-796-5849 | 1122 Monticello St | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
West Columbia Church of Christ | 803-794-5320 | 1701 Augusta Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
West Side Baptist Church | 803-796-2027 | 2100 Platt Springs Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29169 |
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