Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in West Columbia, SC 29170
* Each listing below of Churches Information for West Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Airport Assembly of God | 803-796-5844 | 650 Ermine Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Airport Baptist Church | 803-794-9353 | 1269 Boston Ave | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Airport Church of Christ | 803-755-0023 | 4013 Edmund Hwy | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Bethesda Bible Church | 803-755-2631 | 901 Main St | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Calvary Baptist Church of W Cola | 803-755-2234 | 3254 Princeton Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Child Development Cente | 803-755-0246 | 2606 Emanuel Church Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Earnest Wayne | 803-356-3055 | 135 Saint Davids Church | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Emmanuel Lutheran Church | 803-755-6009 | 2491 Emanuel Church Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
First Church of the Living God | 803-755-1129 | 2818 Windham Dr | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Heritage Presbyterian Church | 803-791-1831 | 2547 Rainbow Dr | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Holy Trinity Evangelical Lut | 803-791-9039 | 2920 Pella Ave | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Kitti Wake Baptist Church | 803-951-7334 | 420 Kitti Wake Dr | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Laurel Baptist Church | 803-755-9367 | 2250 Pine St | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Moore Carolyn Dr | 803-955-2330 | 4615 Edmund Hwy | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
New Hope Christian Fellowship | 803-791-4881 | 1712 Mobile Ave | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Platt Springs United Methodist Churc | 803-794-3415 | 3215 Platt Springs Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Seal-Maxx Inc | 803-739-8638 | 3022 Six Mile Creek Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Springdale Baptist Preschool | 803-796-8110 | 357 Wattling Rd | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
St David's Lutheran Church | 803-356-3035 | 132 Saint Davids Church | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
Will of God Ministries | 803-796-4794 | 2721 Rainbow Dr | West Columbia | SC | 29170 |
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