Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Santee, SC 29142
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Santee SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chapel Hill Baptist Church | 803-854-2730 | 8749 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Church Mount Hebrew Baptist Church | 803-854-3007 | | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Greater Friendship Ame Church | 803-854-2561 | 3669 Tee Vee Rd | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Immanuel Free Will Baptist Church | 803-854-3628 | 7434 Five Chop Rd | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Lake Marion Christian Fellowship | 803-854-4512 | 2224 State Park Rd | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Oak Grove Baptist Church | 803-854-2812 | 1328 Antioch Rd | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Providence Baptist Church | 803-496-5994 | Mount Olive Rd | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Red Hill Baptist Church | 803-897-2916 | 3425 Old State Rd | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Santee Bible Baptist Church | 803-854-2622 | 9750 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Santee Presbyterian Church | 803-854-4329 | 306 Bradford Blvd | Santee | SC | 29142 |
United Holiness Church of Christ Deliv | 803-854-3894 | 1865 Bass Dr | Santee | SC | 29142 |
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