Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Orangeburg, SC 29115
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Orangeburg SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ansari M A Dmd | 803-534-2507 | 1340 Park St | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
Atkinson W Eugene II Dntst | 803-536-1950 | 1681 Carolina Ave | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
Burckhalter L Jarrette IV Dmd | 803-534-7525 | 1643 Carolina Ave | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
Dixon J Spencer III Dntst | 803-534-5550 | 630 Laurel St | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
Dr Samuel L Lambrecht | 803-534-1020 | 895 Summers Ave | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
Family Health Center | 803-531-6932 | 2310 Magnolia St | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
Gardner Jimmy L Dr Dntst | 803-533-1146 | 329 Perryclear St | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
Gentle Dental Care | 803-536-6440 | 695 Laurel St | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
Gordon Robert C Dr | 803-536-0405 | 157 Centre St | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
Hutto David R Dr | 803-536-9300 | 1380 Park St | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
McGill S Ted Dntst | 803-534-7101 | 415 Wells Dr | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
McMillan Dental Care | 803-531-0021 | 931 John C Calhoun Dr | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
Michael E Salley D M D P A | 803-534-2931 | 924 Bennett St | Orangeburg | SC | 29115 |
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