Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Santee, SC 29142
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Santee SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Burger King | 803-854-3878 | 293 Britain St | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Captain Kirk's Steak & Seafood Grille | 803-854-2025 | 917 Resort St | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Clark's Family Restaurant | 803-854-2101 | 8920 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Coasters Bar & Grill | 803-854-9955 | 9135 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
El Pueblo Mexican Restuarant | 803-854-3424 | 9074 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Emmetts Restaurant | 803-854-0287 | 123 Mall St | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Huddle House | 803-854-2010 | 9047 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Kfc of Santee | 803-854-2376 | 9075 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
L T's Restaurant & Lounge | 803-854-2251 | 9150 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Maurice's Gourmet Barbeque | 803-854-3889 | 263 Britain St | Santee | SC | 29142 |
McDonald's | 803-854-2634 | 8940 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Oasis The | 803-854-4321 | 8101 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Peking Restaurant | 803-854-3895 | 160 Plaza Cir | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Quality Inn & Suites | 803-854-2121 | 8929 Bass Dr | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Santee Motor Lodge | 803-854-2272 | 648 Bass Dr | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Subway Sandwiches and Salads | 803-854-2054 | 9048 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Theos Italian Restaurant | 803-854-4800 | 9086 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Verandah Seafood Restaurant | 803-854-4695 | 9053 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Waffle House | 803-854-3311 | 8915 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
Wendys Old Fashion Hamburgers | 803-854-3264 | 8921 Old Number Six Hwy | Santee | SC | 29142 |
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