Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Clemson, SC 29631
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Clemson SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abel Baptist Church | 864-654-1333 | 150 Abel Rd | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
Baptist Collegiate Ministry | 864-654-4101 | 104 Daniel Dr | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
Barth Barbara | 864-654-5547 | 195 Old Greenville Hwy | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
Center of Faith Community Churc | 864-653-9850 | 118 Gantt St | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
Church of Christ-Clemson | 864-654-3583 | 167 Old Greenville Hwy | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
Clemson Presbyterian Church Pca | 864-654-4772 | 346 Old Greenville Hwy | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
Downtown Community Fellowship | 864-653-6001 | 101 Keith St | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
East Clemson Baptist Church | 864-654-5133 | 130 Frontage Rd | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
First Baptist Church of Clemson | 864-654-2347 | 397 College Ave | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
Fort Hill Presbyterian Church | 864-654-2061 | 399 College Ave | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
Fort Hill Presbyterian Church | 864-654-9207 | 401 College Ave | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
Goldenview Baptist Church | 864-654-6747 | 105 Church St | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
Lutheran Campus Ministry | 864-654-4232 | 111 Sloan St | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
Mt Tabor Baptist Church | 864-654-5994 | 827 Old Greenville Hwy | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 864-654-7248 | 1024 Old Stone Church Rd | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
University Baptist Church | 864-654-1722 | 411 Pendleton Rd | Clemson | SC | 29631 |
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