Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Easley, SC 29640
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Easley SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anchor of Hope Christian Cente | 864-859-1809 | 303 S 6th St | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Arial Baptist Church | 864-859-7234 | 618 Rice Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Bible Methodist Church of Easley | 864-855-3892 | 110A Robinson Ave | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Calvary Hill Baptist Church | 864-859-5362 | 501 Rampey St | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Cedar Rock Baptist Church | 864-859-4761 | 1667 Cedar Rock Church Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Christ Place Baptist Church | 864-850-1153 | 200 Martin St | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Church of Christ West Main Street | 864-859-0949 | 700 W Main St | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church | 864-306-7788 | 1709 Arial St | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Cross Roads Baptist Church | 864-859-1125 | 160 Cross Roads Church R | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Dacusville United Methodist Churc | 864-859-0469 | 1365 Thomas Mill Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Daystar Baptist Fellowship | 864-850-9046 | 1615 Gentry Memorial Hwy | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Easley Chapel United Methodist Churc | 864-855-0400 | 215 N 2nd St | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Easley Christian School | 864-855-8000 | 461 Saco Lowell Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Easley Presbyterian Church | 864-859-4220 | 200 S 1st St | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Easley Union Baptist Church | 864-859-0333 | 109 Runion St | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Elljean Baptist Church | 864-855-5586 | 605 Elljean Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Enon Baptist Church | 864-859-5170 | 871 Enon Church Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
First Assembly of God | 864-859-2652 | 810 Saco Lowell Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
First Baptist Church | 864-859-4052 | 300 E 1st Ave | Easley | SC | 29640 |
First United Methodist Church | 864-859-4584 | 115 W 1st Ave | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Geer Memorial Baptist Church | 864-859-9823 | 911 S 5th St | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Glenwood Baptist Church | 864-859-2264 | 325 Saco Lowell Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Grace Missionary Baptist Church | 864-855-5547 | Old Pendleton Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Grace Presbyterian Church | 864-859-9214 | 377 Deer Creek Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Hunt's Memorial Bap Ch | 864-246-9357 | 501 Alex Dr | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Iglesia Bautista Emanuel | 864-306-0630 | 430 Dacusville Hwy | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 864-855-3601 | 335 Robert P Jeanes Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Jesus Is Lord Ministry Inc | 864-859-7094 | 2298 Jameson Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Jones Avenue Baptist Church | 864-859-1746 | 614 Ross Ave | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Landmark Baptist Church and Christian A | 864-855-5619 | 116 Landmark Ct | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Mt Carmel Baptist Church | 864-246-8834 | 1623 Hester Store Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Mt Tabor Baptist Church | 864-855-2855 | 4174 Dacusville Hwy | Easley | SC | 29640 |
New Foundation Baptist Church | 864-859-0788 | 556 Lenhardt Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Nine Forks Baptist Church | 864-836-8484 | 3207 Earls Bridge Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Park Street Baptist Church | 864-859-4021 | 114 Robinson Ave | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Pendleton Street Baptist Church | 864-859-0559 | 601 S Pendleton St | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Peters Creek Baptist Church | 864-836-3807 | 972 Shoals Creek Church | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Piedmont Baptist Association | 864-859-9906 | 123 Fleetwood Dr | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Salvation Army | 864-855-6408 | 501 Old Liberty Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Shoals Creek Baptist Church | 864-836-7178 | 130 Shoals Creek Church | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Smith Grove Baptist Church | 864-855-6593 | 1220 Smith Grove Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Tri-City Baptist Church | 864-306-9050 | 1401 Griffin Mill Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
Westwood Baptist Church | 864-295-2360 | 3821 Saluda Dam Rd | Easley | SC | 29640 |
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