Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pickens, SC 29671
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pickens SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Blue Ridge View Baptist Church | 864-855-9260 | 745 Wolf Creek Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Cannon Mountain Baptist Church | 864-878-2188 | 302 Woodlane Dr | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Cold Springs Baptist Church | 864-878-7950 | Rosman Hwy | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Concord Baptist Church | 864-878-7461 | Concord Church Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Cove Creek Baptist Church | 864-878-6888 | 255 Cove Creek Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Crescent Hill Baptist Church | 864-878-3966 | 115 Crescent Hill Dr | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
East Pickens Baptist | 864-878-4510 | 2244 Gentry Memorial Hwy | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Fairview Independent Baptist Church | 864-878-1392 | 130 Fairview Dr | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
First Baptist Church | 864-878-6555 | 406 E Main St | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 864-878-2161 | 309 E Cedar Rock St | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Griffin Baptist Church | 864-878-9182 | 1629 Pumpkintown Hwy | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Griffin Ebenezer Baptist Church | 864-878-4936 | 450 Garvin St | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Haven of Rest Ministries | 864-898-0308 | 211 Pendleton St | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Holly Springs Baptist Church | 864-878-7774 | 3450 Table Rock Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Lakeview Baptist Church | 864-878-6927 | 107 Mauldin Lake Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Midway Baptist Church | 864-878-1550 | 1200 Midway Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Mountain Grove Baptist Church | 864-878-6399 | Mountain Grove Churc | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Mt Sinai Baptist Church | 864-878-4885 | 830 Country Club Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
New Life Baptist Church | 864-898-0034 | 181 Hillcrest Dr | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Northside Baptist Church | 864-878-3219 | 421 Sangamo Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Oolenoy Baptist Church | 864-878-4140 | 211 Miracle Hill Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Pickens Presbyterian Church | 864-878-9422 | 311 W Main St | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Pickens Twelve Mile Baptist Associa | 864-878-2456 | 832 Pendleton St | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Prater's Creek Baptist Church | 864-868-2300 | 621 Praters Creek Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Red Hill Baptist Church | 864-878-7530 | 558 Red Hill Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Secona Baptist Church | 864-878-3816 | 234 Secona Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Soapstone Baptist Church | 864-878-5533 | 296 Liberia Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
Table Rock Wesleyan | 864-878-2792 | 600 W Gate Rd | Pickens | SC | 29671 |
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