Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Columbia, SC 29201
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aaron & Aaron | 803-252-0370 | 1418 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Abercrombie Anita E Attys | 803-256-2371 | 1812 Lincoln St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Accident Lawyer | 803-252-8381 | 1728 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Accountemps | 803-252-2555 | 1441 Main St Ste 750 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Adams Christopher M | 803-254-4035 | 1301 Gervais St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Adams Weston Law Firm | 803-254-1675 | 1501 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Aiken & Hightower | 803-799-5205 | 1634 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Akim Anastopoulo Law Firm | 803-798-7400 | 1201 Main St Ste 1980 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Alexander Ronald E Atty | 803-252-0500 | 1704 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Alford James W Atty | 803-799-1111 | 1613 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Alley George I of Counsel | 803-252-6323 | 2000 Park St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Alston III Rowland P | 803-758-6000 | 1508 Washington St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
American Community Service Network | 803-799-9800 | Bank of America Towe | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Anders Andrea Atty | 803-726-0050 | 500 Taylor St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Anders James C Atty | 803-799-9400 | 1315 Blanding St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Anderson David A Atty | 803-771-4400 | 1600 Marion St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Anderson S R Law Office | 803-252-2828 | 2008 Marion St Ste J | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Anderson W Sterling II | 803-779-3500 | 1517 Hampton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Andrews Jones Atty | 803-256-0778 | 900 Elmwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Andrews Stuart M Jr Atty | 803-255-9461 | 1320 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Anne Marie Ugarte Atty | 803-771-0901 | 1830 Marion St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Arden Mark T Atty | 803-929-3600 | 1510 Calhoun St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Arnold Teresa A Atty | 803-254-2200 | 1901 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Ashley & Gibbons | 803-771-4488 | 1722 Main St Ste 200 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Atkins & Fryar Robinson | 803-251-6406 | 720 Calhoun St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Atria Nicholas D | 803-779-4137 | 1720 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Attorneys Lee Eadon Isgett Popwell | 803-799-9811 | 1314 Lincoln St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Austin Lewis & Rogers P A | 803-712-9900 | 508 Hampton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Babcock Keith M Atty | 803-771-8000 | 1513 Hampton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bagnal Charles W Atty | 803-779-0700 | 1531 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Baker Charles E Atty | 803-799-9091 | 1730 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Ballou Paul Atty | 803-799-1011 | 1708 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bannister Melvin D | 803-256-9223 | 1405 Calhoun St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Barnes A Jackson Atty | 803-929-1400 | 1310 Gadsden St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Barnes R Bryan Atty | 803-771-7900 | 700 Gervais St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Barnette Evans Taylor Atty | 803-253-6084 | 1414 Lady St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Barr-Efird Linda K Atty | 803-255-9394 | 1330 Lady St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Barrett Ronald A Atty | 803-799-4422 | 1430 Blanding St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Barron Almand James Atty | 803-779-3700 | 1712 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Barrow Mark S Atty | 803-256-2233 | 1515 Lady St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bartley Jacquelyn L Atty | 803-376-1260 | 1518 Lady St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Barton Barbara George Atty | 803-256-6400 | 1715 Pickens St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Barton John M Atty | 803-252-2596 | 1331 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bates Lester L Jr | 803-779-4238 | 1511 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bates Roy D Atty | 803-733-8247 | City Hall | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Battiste Luther J III Atty | 803-252-9700 | 1615 Barnwell St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bauer William Attorney | 803-256-7777 | 823 Calhoun St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Beach John F Atty | 803-254-4190 | 1501 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Beacham F Arnold Jr | 803-252-3663 | 907 Calhoun St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Belser & Belser Pa | 803-929-0096 | 1901 Main St Ste 1550 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bernstein Beth E Atty | 803-799-7900 | 1019 Assembly St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bettis Vance J | 803-799-9311 | 900 Elmwood Ave Ste 100 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bird Law Firm Pa the Attys | 803-771-7888 | 1112 Price Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Birdsong J Layne Atty | 803-799-9412 | 1229 Lincoln St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bland Eric S Atty | 803-256-9664 | 1500 Calhoun St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bloom Jeffrey P Attorney at Law | 803-256-7001 | 1911 Pickens St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Blue Carolyn H Attorney at Law | 803-744-8800 | 1527 Blanding St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bluestein & Nichols Llc | 803-779-7599 | 1634 Taylor St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bogan J Steedley | 803-256-6747 | 1320 Washington St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Boger Brian L Atty | 803-252-2880 | 1331 Elmwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bolt J Dennis Law Office | 803-256-7335 | 914 Richland St Ste C100 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Boney Durham T Atty | 803-765-9291 | Bank of America Plaz | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Boulware Law Firm | 803-376-1686 | 1705 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Brackett B Micheal | 803-461-2300 | 1441 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Braithwaite Kelley Atty | 803-312-0060 | 1237 Gadsden St Ste 200J | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Branham Theile M Attorney at Law | 803-256-1094 | 1703 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Brian Payne | 803-799-4567 | 1320 Elmwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bridgmon Charles J | 803-252-4050 | 1534 Blanding St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Brooks Charles J II Atty | 803-252-1400 | 504 Gervais St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Brooks Janet C Atty | 803-256-4645 | 1330 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Brown & Brehmer | 803-771-6600 | 1720 Main St Ste 201 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Brown Franchot A Attorney at Law | 803-779-7060 | 1324 Calhoun St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Brown Robert C Atty | 803-256-3700 | 1430 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bryan Mary Lowndes Mediator Atty | 803-252-5905 | 1528 Blanding St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Burriss William H Atty | 803-779-5842 | 1313 Elmwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Butcher Janet T Atty | 803-799-9772 | 1200 Main St Ste 600 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Butler John B III Atty | 803-256-9661 | 1217 Anthony Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Carol Sanders Pa | 803-799-7666 | 1819 Marion St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Carter Eleazer Attorney at Law | 803-733-1600 | 1921 Barnwell St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Cavalier Title Agency | 803-765-2110 | 712 Richland St Ste E | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Center for Capital Litigation Atty | 803-765-0650 | 1247 Sumter St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Chapman Debra Y Pa | 803-254-9007 | 2007 Lincoln St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Cheeks Joyce Farr Atty | 803-256-3352 | 2026 Assembly St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Chiarenza Derek S Atty at Law | 803-252-7111 | 1331 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Coffas James Atty | 803-779-3939 | 1416 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Corbett James Atty | 803-765-2968 | 1777 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Cotty and Jonas | 803-252-7130 | 1328 Blanding St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Craig James P Atty | 803-252-5178 | 2001 Assembly St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Cranshaw Bradford W Attys | 803-252-5523 | 1807 Hampton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Crews Law Firm Pa | 803-771-4884 | 1531 Blanding St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Cromer & Mabry | 803-799-9530 | 1225 Pickens St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
David W Farrell | 803-256-7011 | 2229 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Davis George H Jr Pa Law Offices of | 803-779-4103 | 2016 Lincoln St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Davis Kenneth A Atty | 803-254-0707 | 1005 Gervais St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Delgado John D Atty | 803-254-7745 | 914 Richland St Ste A102 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Dessausure Law Firm P A | 803-635-0100 | 1928 Barnwell St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Dodson Robert Atty | 803-252-2600 | 1426 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Dozier Cortisha A Atty | 803-799-9805 | 1224 Pickens St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Drose Law Firm | 803-779-5365 | 2015 Assembly St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Ecton Law Firm Pa | 803-771-9800 | 1422 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Elliott John D Atty | 803-252-9236 | 1400 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Elliott Law Firm | 803-256-4646 | 1338 Main St Ste 901 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Esquire Title Company | 803-799-5175 | 1404 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Ewing Jimmie Atty | 803-252-5555 | 1417 Gregg St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Fairey W Gaston Atty | 803-252-7606 | 1722 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Finkel & Altman | 803-765-2935 | 1201 Main St Ste 1800 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Fitzer Stephen R | 803-254-2260 | 1122 Lady St Ste 1220 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Foster John W Atty | 803-744-3400 | 1201 Hampton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Friedman Bernard L Atty | 803-799-9132 | 1136 Washington St Ste 300 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Fulmer Allan E Jr Atty | 803-256-6289 | 1812 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Gaffney Amy L Atty | 803-799-7968 | 1001 Washington St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
George Barry B Atty | 803-254-7222 | 1419 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Gerald Dennis M Atty | 803-254-6961 | 1913 Marion St Ste 102A | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Gergel Nickles & Solomon Pa | 803-779-8080 | 1519 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Gilchrist Jim Atty | 803-252-9000 | 1337 Assembly St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Gist Deandrea Atty | 803-771-8007 | 1916 Henderson St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Goodwin Joy S Atty | 803-252-1439 | 1316 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Graves E Wesley III Atty | 803-799-2911 | 1518 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Green Amanda J Atty | 803-771-0413 | 1524 Washington St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Griffin James M Atty | 803-744-0800 | 1116 Blanding St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Hardaway John F Atty | 803-252-1776 | 1338 Pickens St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Harpootlian Richard A Atty | 803-252-4848 | 1410 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Harris Gregory P | 803-779-7080 | 1720 Main St Ste 301 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Harrison James C Jr Pa | 803-779-2211 | 923 Calhoun St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Hayes Dean Atty | 803-733-9097 | 1611 Hampton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Hayes Michael T MD Atty | 803-931-0303 | 1913 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Hebert Sandra D | 803-931-0808 | 1924 Barnwell St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Hickman Trasha Nicole | 803-799-4700 | 1418 Park St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Horn Bonnie P Atty | 803-799-4208 | 1215 Elmwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Hough A Randolph | 803-771-4119 | 1720 Main St Ste 105 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Hudson Stephen Atty | 803-765-9177 | 2008 Marion St Ste G | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Irvin Wilmot B Atty | 803-765-0555 | 1522 Lady St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Jackson & Jackson | 803-256-2398 | 1415 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Jenkins & Jenkins | 803-252-7278 | 924 Hampton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Johns Theresa N Attorney at Law | 803-733-9844 | 1720 Main St Ste 202 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Jonathan Harvey | 803-779-3363 | 1804 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Jowers Gerald D Atty | 803-765-9620 | 1802 Sumter St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Kennedy & Price | 803-799-2121 | 1321 Lady St Ste 702 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Keretses Law Firm The | 803-771-4440 | 3022 Pavilion Tower Cir | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Lattimore Talley A Atty | 803-779-4640 | 1825 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Law Offices of John S Simmons Llc | 803-779-4600 | 1711 Pickens St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Lee C Dixon III | 803-799-3074 | 1508 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Leevy Gloria Y Atty | 803-933-0215 | 1911 Taylor St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Leslie James L Jr Atty | 803-781-3357 | 167 Mystic Ct | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Lester and Jones | 803-252-4700 | 1716 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Levy Thomas B Atty | 803-254-0303 | 2400 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Litvin Andrew F Law Offices | 803-748-0333 | 2009 Lincoln St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Mann Firm The | 803-252-2375 | 1527 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Martin Eric R Atty | 803-799-1777 | 1925 Pickens St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Masella Law Firm Pa | 803-748-9990 | 917 Calhoun St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Maxfield David Atty | 803-799-6000 | 1701 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
McAngus Goudelock & Courie | 803-779-2300 | 700 Gervais St Ste 300 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
McCravy S Tucker Atty | 803-318-8822 | 1421 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
McDaniel Preston F Atty | 803-771-7211 | 1315 Elmwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
McWhirter Bellinger & Associates | 803-252-0896 | 1701 Senate St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Medlin John D Atty | 803-799-6536 | 1830 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Metts Law Firm | 803-929-0577 | 3531 River Dr | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Millender Franchelle C Atty | 803-733-3433 | 1122 Lady St Ste 700 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Montgomery Mary L Myers Atty | 803-256-4008 | 2733 River Dr | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Mosley Thomas E | 803-929-0969 | 1018 Price Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Moss & Associates Attorneys P A | 803-933-0202 | 816 Elmwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Moylan John C III Atty | 803-254-6542 | 1122 Lady St Ste 810 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Mullis J Marvin Jr | 803-799-9577 | 1229 Elmwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Murray Lori S Attorney at Law | 803-256-3003 | 2113 Park St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Nance Patrick H Atty | 803-256-1527 | 1720 Main St Ste 104 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Needle Lawrence J | 803-376-1203 | 1923 Pickens St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Nexsen Pruet Llc | 803-771-8900 | 1441 Main St Ste 1500 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
O'leary Associates P A | 803-779-5556 | 2008 Lincoln St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Ohanesian & Ohanesian | 803-779-7193 | 1814 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Ouzts William C Atty | 803-765-5277 | 1801 Assembly St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Oxner & Oxner Atty | 803-254-5551 | 1531 Washington St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Peace M Alan Atty | 803-779-4997 | 1331 Elmwood Ave Ste 300 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Poag James William Jr Atty | 803-794-6340 | 116 Pineview Dr W | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Pope & Rodgers | 803-254-0700 | 1122 Lady St Ste 800 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Pope Adele Atty | 803-779-1870 | 1507 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Pride Hemphill P II Atty | 803-256-8015 | 1401 Gregg St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Quinn Law Firm Llc | 803-779-6365 | 2019 Park St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Quinn Natalie J | 803-771-0936 | 1421 Calhoun St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Raber Kimberly A Pa | 803-779-2266 | 1920 Barnwell St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Roberson Nathaniel Atty | 803-252-4449 | 1708 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Robinson McFadden & Moore Pc | 803-779-8900 | 1901 Main St Ste 1200 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Screen Jerry M Atty | 803-252-7757 | 1337 Gregg St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Smith Mark A Atty | 803-779-7935 | 1913 Marion St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
South Carolina Centers for Equal Justi | 803-799-9668 | 2109 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Spillane William M Atty | 803-252-9221 | 1903 Gadsden St Ste 202 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Tate H Simmons Jr Atty | 803-254-2150 | 15 Gibbes Ct | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Turner J Robin Pa Atty | 803-799-7894 | 1722 Marion St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Valtorta Law Office | 803-771-0828 | 903 Calhoun St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Warner Jan L Atty | 803-799-0554 | 1122 Lady St Ste 850 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Watkins William W Pa | 803-256-0700 | 1622 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Wharton L Patricia Atty | 803-779-7830 | 2001 Park St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Willoughby & Hoefer Pa | 803-252-3300 | 1022 Calhoun St Ste 302 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
IndexedAmerica.com - The place for local information about businesses in your community. All of the information on this site is free to access. If you see a problem or have an addition to any of our categories or zip codes for Columbia SC, please feel free to let us know via our contact page.