Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Banks in Columbia, SC 29201
* Each listing below of Banks Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agfirst Farm Credit Bank | 803-799-5000 | 1401 Hampton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
All South Federal Credit Union | 803-776-8086 | Va Medical Ctr | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
All South Federal Credit Union | 803-798-8740 | 710 Dutch Plaza Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Bank of America | 803-931-3183 | 2805 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Carolina First | 803-748-7008 | 1265 Lake Murray Boulevar | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Carolina National Bank & Trust Co Prop | 803-779-0411 | 1350 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
First Palmetto Savings Bank | 803-407-0135 | 7327 Saint Andrews Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
First South Bank | 803-343-3435 | 1333 Main St Ste 100 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
National Bank of South Carolina Nbsc | 803-929-2145 | 1241 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
National Bank of South Carolina Nbsc | 803-256-6304 | 1311 Pendleton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
National Bank of South Carolina Nbsc | 803-256-6300 | 5456 Sunset Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
National Bank of South Carolina Nbsc | 803-790-7310 | 27 Trenholm Plz | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Palmetto Citizens Federal Credit | 803-732-5000 | 919 N Lake Dr | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Regions Bank | 803-779-3836 | 1010 Gervais St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Scott Amick Ins | 803-796-1222 | I 20 & 378 Frontage | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
South Carolina Community Bank | 803-461-0182 | 1545 Sumter St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
South Carolina Federal Credit Union | 803-787-3626 | 109 N 12th St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Southtrust Bank | 803-476-2063 | 1201 Main St Ste 2300 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
State Farm | 803-781-9923 | 1000 Marion St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
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