Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Columbia, SC 29210
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st Choice Salon & Spa | 803-798-4986 | 651 Saint Andrews Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
76 Hair Design | 803-750-1999 | 1207 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Alabaster Salon & Boutique | 803-731-0033 | 740 Saint Andrews Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Annette's Hair Design | 803-798-1487 | 924 Piney Grove Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Design House | 803-772-8031 | 120 Arrowwood Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Dimensional Designs | 803-798-6286 | 1732 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Divine Creations | 803-772-8878 | 4350 Saint Andrews Rd Ste E | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Essence of Beauty | 803-561-0835 | 1013 Broad River Rd Ste A | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Essence of Beauty Krystal Kendric | 803-561-0095 | 1013 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Hair Carousel | 803-731-4989 | 4508 Saint Andrews Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Hair Firm II | 803-750-1214 | 1511 Bush River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Hair Power | 803-772-2212 | 318 Saint Andrews Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Inner Beauty | 803-772-3358 | 1120 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Kings & Queens Styling Center | 803-798-7711 | 1240 Piney Grove Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Moya's Professional African Braidin | 803-750-2360 | 2426 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Professional Hair Designs | 803-772-1700 | 2605 Seminole Rd Ste B | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Pure E-Magination | 803-731-1020 | 2605 Seminole Rd Ste A | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Ritz Hair Salon | 803-750-1278 | 1807 Bush River Rd Ste F | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Shear Business | 803-750-0045 | 2800 Bush River Rd Ste 7A | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Sol-Y-Sombra | 803-772-2004 | 3512 Bush River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Strictly Business Hair Salon | 803-798-2899 | 3007 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Studio 27 Family Hair Care Center | 803-731-0779 | 3827 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Styles So Natural | 803-798-1183 | 1619 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
The View | 803-731-6070 | 4313 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Tina's House of Beauty | 803-772-7335 | 1131 Beatty Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
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