Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Columbia, SC 29201
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Andrew's | 803-731-0300 | Bush River Rd & I 20 | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Applause Catering | 803-933-9580 | 1208 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Box Lunch Company The | 803-779-4774 | 2110 Wallace St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Carolina Cafe & Catering Co | 803-799-6676 | 945 Sumter St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Carolina Delicatessen | 803-252-6646 | 2 Richland Medical | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Cat & Cleaver | 803-255-0950 | 1202 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Moe's Southwest Grill | 803-256-9663 | 625 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Seawell's Food Caterers Inc | 803-771-7385 | 1125 Rosewood Dr | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Tronco's Catering and Special Events | 803-256-1222 | 1200 Rosewood Dr | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Villa Tronco Italian Restaurant | 803-256-7677 | 1213 Blanding St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
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