Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbia, SC 29201
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Translation Services | 803-799-3452 | 610 Pickens St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Alexander B Mike Dr | 803-256-2417 | 1401 Washington St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Arsenal Hill Presbyterian Ch | 803-765-0100 | 1103 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Beulah United Methodist Church | 803-794-0783 | 1577 Old State Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Brown Chapel Ame | 803-254-7065 | 808 Barnes St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Catholic Charities of the Midlands | 803-254-9776 | 1012 Taylor St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Cedar Creek A M E Church | 803-754-5615 | Monticello Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Centennial Associate Reformed Presby | 803-765-0368 | 1413 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Central Baptist Church | 803-252-3742 | 3000 River Dr | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 803-799-8274 | 1114 Pickens St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Church in the Lord Jesus Christ Th | 803-779-6745 | 1144 Olympia Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Church of Christ Park St | 803-765-1194 | 2701 Park St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Cloer William R Rev | 803-765-9093 | 1707 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Columbia Metro Baptist Association | 803-252-0116 | 1929 Gadsden St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church Incorpor | 803-256-4890 | 100 Wayne St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Crout J Harry Rev | 803-765-9430 | 1301 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Divine Truth Deliverance Min | 803-779-3613 | 1015 Olympia Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Earlewood Baptist Church | 803-252-6210 | 2930 River Dr | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
English Joseph Rev | 803-776-4450 | Reeder Point Dr | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Estep Wendell R Dr Clrgy | 803-256-4251 | 1306 Hampton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
First Baptist Church of Sandy Run Sbc | 803-791-0704 | 442 Livingston Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
First Presbyterian Church | 803-799-9062 | 1324 Marion St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Funderburk Donald F Rev | 803-252-7297 | 3200 Lyles St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Good Samaritan Health Center | 803-252-1508 | 1118 Union St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Gordan Harold Dr Pastor | 803-799-1426 | 1725 Gervais St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Gray Chester Rev | 803-765-0082 | 930 Huger St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Greater Carolina Baptist Church | 803-252-3845 | 1419 Anthony Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Greater Faith Christian Center | 803-779-0095 | 1908 Hampton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Greene Street United Methodist Churc | 803-799-6268 | 1106 Greene St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Helping International Students | 803-779-2852 | 1711 Pendleton St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Hillcrest Baptist Church | 803-791-0823 | 1340 Mack St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Iglesia Biblica Latinoamericana | 803-779-7335 | 1406 Gregg St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Kingdom Builders Christian Cente | 803-695-1277 | 1300 Troter Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Korean Community Presbyterian Ch | 803-765-2500 | 1412 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Ladson Presbyterian Church | 803-765-9192 | 1720 Sumter St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Linderphilip C | 803-771-7300 | 1100 Sumter St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Lutheran Campus Ministry | 803-799-4993 | 728 Pickens St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Lutheran Church St Luke's | 803-771-0198 | 1127 Olympia Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Lutheran Church St Paul's | 803-779-0030 | 1715 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Lutheran Synod of Sc Elca | 803-765-0590 | 1003 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Main Street United Methodist Churc | 803-779-0610 | 1830 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Masjid-As-Salafiyeen | 803-256-6988 | 2742 River Dr | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Moultrie Edward SR Rev | 803-779-0214 | 1114 Blanding St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Mt Moriah Ame Church | 803-796-4995 | 120 Mount Moriah Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Mt Pleasant United Methodist Churc | 803-735-1646 | Camp Ground Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
New Ebenezer Baptist Church | 803-252-9215 | 1236 Gregg St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 803-779-0263 | 3525 Lucius Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Oliver Gospel Mission | 803-254-6470 | 1100 Taylor St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Overcash K Eugene | 803-755-9857 | 2491 Emmanuel Church Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Park Street Baptist Church | 803-252-6434 | 2204 Park St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Pine Bluff Baptist Church | 803-776-8400 | Pineview Dr | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Ppc Inc | 803-252-6200 | 1334 Sumter St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Presbyterian Student Center | 803-799-0212 | 1702 Greene St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Progressive Church | 803-788-2956 | Longtownd Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Salem United Methodist Church | 803-781-1626 | 1321 Salem Church Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Second Baptist Church | 803-649-2665 | 425 Hampton Ave NW | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Second Calvary Baptist Church | 803-254-7929 | 1516 Bull St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Second Union Baptist Church | 803-254-9982 | 1168 Andrews Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Shady Grove Ame Church | 803-754-4615 | 1305 Heins Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Sidney Park Cme Church | 803-799-5830 | 1108 Blanding St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Southside Baptist Church | 803-771-0280 | 702 Whaley St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Taylor's Chapel Ame Church | 803-786-2611 | Campground Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Turner Memorial Ame Church | 803-796-5849 | Turner C D C | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Walking in the Light Ministry | 803-782-7446 | 3016 S Beltline Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Whaley Street United Methodist Churc | 803-799-4104 | 517 Whaley St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Word of God | 803-799-3535 | 1445 Shop Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Zion Baptist Church | 803-779-0111 | 801 Washington St | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Zion Chapel Baptist Church No 1 | 803-754-2752 | Walter Hills Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Zion Hill Baptist Church | 803-256-4241 | 1836 Zion Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Zion Pilgrim Baptist Church | 803-754-5800 | 11121 Monticello Rd | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
Zion Pilgrim Baptist Church | 803-771-6940 | 1609 Zion Ave | Columbia | SC | 29201 |
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