Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbia, SC 29203
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A M E Church Seventh District Office | 803-935-0500 | 110 Pisgah Church Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Agape Temple Adecjc | 803-735-8573 | 5008 Middleton St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Antioch Baptist Church | 803-786-0119 | 5715 Koon Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Apostolic Church of Christ | 803-754-5472 | 1041 Prescott Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Arise Christian Center | 803-735-0222 | 7020 Frost Ave | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Ascension Lutheran Church | 803-786-6429 | 827 Wildwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Belmont Baptist Church | 803-754-1255 | 901 Mason Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 803-754-1890 | 1028 Eastman St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Bethlehem Baptist Church Family L | 803-735-0410 | 1037 Eastman St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Bible Church of Our Lord Jesus Chri | 803-786-8421 | 1738 Cody St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Bible Way Church of Christ World Wi | 803-254-6870 | 3111 Piedmont Ave | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Capital City Church | 803-771-0092 | 4600 Monticello Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Chavous Levi C Rev | 803-786-4017 | 5326 Ridgeway St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Christ's Lutheran Church | 803-735-0880 | 1323 Winyah Dr | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Church of Christ Ames Road | 803-786-5925 | 5889 Ames Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Citadel of Hope Christian Minis | 803-754-3583 | 9105 Wilson Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Cleave's Memorial Cme Church | 803-254-8810 | 3407 Beaumont St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Community Cme Church | 803-771-4739 | 4317 Ridgewood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Dennis Chapel Baptist Church | 803-786-9493 | 230 Bertha Ave | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Denny Terrace Baptist Church | 803-754-4432 | 6324 Dorchester St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Eau Claire Baptist Church | 803-786-7769 | 4427 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Ecclesia Church of God in Christ | 803-786-9597 | 7532 Fairfield Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Emmanuel Church of Our Lord Jesus Chri | 803-786-2766 | 1723 Blue Ridge Ter | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Ephesus Seventh Day Adventist Churc | 803-786-2800 | 7709 Wilson Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Fair Lawn United Methodist Churc | 803-754-2070 | 9203 Wilson Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Francis Burnes United Methodist Churc | 803-754-1760 | 5616 Farrow Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Fruit of the Spirit Christian Fello | 803-252-7347 | 1100 Sunset Dr | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Full Gospel Word & Worship Center | 803-754-0786 | 6015 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
God's Church of Deliverance | 803-931-0057 | 3950 Clement Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Good News Gospel World Outreach Minist | 803-786-6902 | 605 Alcott Dr | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Goodwin Sam Pastor | 803-786-9129 | 5200 Fairfield Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Grace Christian Center | 803-754-8844 | 5010 Monticello Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Greater Love Bible Way Church | 803-333-0515 | 1506 Charlton St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Greater St Luke Baptist Church | 803-754-6000 | 5228 Farrow Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Greenview First Baptist Church | 803-786-2839 | 101 Isaac St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Haskell Heights First Baptist Church | 803-754-6554 | 1231 Blue Ridge Ter | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Haskell Heights Progressive Bap | 803-691-9724 | 1323 Townsend St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Holy Temple Church of the Lord Chrst | 803-786-8908 | 5712 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
I Dequincey Newman United Methodis | 803-786-9894 | 7801 Wilson Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Jacobs Allen Jr Rev | 803-735-0140 | 5408 Middleton St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Jehovah Baptist Church | 803-786-2112 | 1540 Frye Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Killian Baptist Church | 803-754-1302 | 503 Killian Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Kingdom Builders Ministries | 803-333-9036 | 5320 Fairfield Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Krst Universal Temple | 803-691-8885 | 564 Sharpe Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Leap of Faith Ministries | 803-786-4620 | 1632 Friendly Woods Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Life Giving Outreach Ministries Inc | 803-786-0088 | 6101 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Baptis | 803-786-9337 | 7831 Wilson Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church | 803-754-3252 | 1700 Blue Ridge Ter | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Mt Pilgrim Baptist Church | 803-788-4563 | 9300 Farrow Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
New Hope Deliverance Ministry | 803-799-5507 | 4005 Monticello Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
New Jerusalem Interdenominati | 803-714-0306 | 1003 Colleton St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
New Laurel Street Baptist Church | 803-786-5924 | 5214 Fairfield Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Northminster Early Childhood Devel | 803-754-1812 | 6717 David St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Northside Baptist Church | 803-926-3043 | 1303 Sunset Dr | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Peaceful Baptist Church | 803-786-5211 | 5230 Fairfield Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Refuge Temple Church of Our Lord Jesus | 803-754-9420 | 4450 Argent Ct | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Rice Chapel Outreach Ministiries | 803-786-7009 | 931 Eastman St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Ridgecrest Baptist Church | 803-252-6693 | 4201 Abingdon Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Ridgewood Missionary Baptist Chch Ch | 803-786-1234 | 5335 Ridgeway St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Saving Grace in the Lord Jesus T of | 803-333-9444 | 5897 Farrow Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Sc Christian Action Council | 803-786-7115 | 4201 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
St John Baptist Church | 803-254-4170 | 3404 W Beltline Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
St John United Methodist Churc | 803-754-4588 | 1700 Houston St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
St Paul Baptist Church | 803-786-4731 | 4517 Main St | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Stover Chapel Ame Church | 803-754-0048 | 1450 Geraldine Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Temple Zion Baptist Church | 803-754-0933 | 1174 Heyward Brockington | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Triumph Church of Jesus Apostolic | 803-786-1327 | 9032 Wilson Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
True Believers Church | 803-735-9477 | 623 Oakland Ave | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
True Worship Baptist Church | 803-252-4929 | 3511 Farrow Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
United Methodist Church Sc Conference O | 803-786-9486 | 4908 Colonial Dr | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Way of the Cross Church of Christ The | 803-754-0813 | 1630 Heyward Brockington | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
Zion Canaan Baptist Church | 803-935-0132 | 7820 Farrow Rd | Columbia | SC | 29203 |
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