Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbia, SC 29204
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Church of God in Christ | 803-758-0077 | 1519 Harden St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Apostolic Holiness Outreach Minist | 803-933-0904 | 1412 Kingston Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Bartley Ruth Ann Pastr | 803-748-1180 | 2500 Gordon St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Bayview Baptist Church | 803-754-8690 | 5300 Two Notch Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 803-254-5651 | 1218 Lyon St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Bishops' Memorial Ame Church | 803-254-6686 | 2221 Washington St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Bowman William McKinley Rev | 803-256-0088 | 2300 Elmwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Bride Tabernacle of Jesus Christ | 803-735-8226 | 3731 Martin St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Carolina Pastoral & Family Counseli | 803-254-5013 | 3401 Trenholm Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Christian Robert E Rev | 803-254-8786 | 2400 Barhamville Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Church of Our Lord & Savior Jest of | 803-254-7431 | 1632 Germany St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Church of the Open Door | 803-754-3100 | 3639 Pine Belt Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Covenant Presbyterian Church | 803-782-2443 | 3100 Covenant Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Crescent Hill Baptist Church | 803-254-5549 | 2659 Two Notch Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Eastside Baptist Church | 803-782-8678 | 1410 Sunnyside Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Edmonds Henry L Jr Rev | 803-256-6903 | 1800 Germany St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Emmanuel Ame Church | 803-254-5067 | 2130 Barhamville Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Empowered Women of Service Outreac | 803-786-1171 | 1701 Windover Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
First Calvary Baptist Church | 803-256-3670 | 1600 Harden St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
First Church of God | 803-256-6858 | 2665 Covenant Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
First Nazareth Baptist Church | 803-254-6232 | 2351 Gervais St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Forest Drive Church | 803-787-3814 | 4128 Forest Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 803-799-8906 | 1237 House St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Gill Creek Baptist Church | 803-754-6616 | 2116 Cushman Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church | 803-787-4413 | 3909 Forest Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Gunter's Chapel Baptist Church | 803-786-1765 | 1631 Windover Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Lorick C L Rev | 803-786-5026 | 1912 Cushman Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
New Love Temple | 803-540-1972 | 2240 Gervais St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus | 803-254-6106 | 2222 Barhamville Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Ravenwood Baptist Church | 803-782-1617 | 3545 Raven Hill Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Second Nazareth Baptist Church | 803-765-2358 | 2334 Elmwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
St James United Methodist Churc | 803-786-0079 | 3390 Pine Belt Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
St Mark Baptist Church | 803-256-7133 | 2700 Chestnut St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
The Gospel Church of the Lord Jhrst | 803-256-9444 | 2704 Boone St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 803-254-7142 | 2521 Richland St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
United House of Prayer | 803-748-0555 | 2426 Read St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Victory Praise & Worship Center | 803-787-6397 | 3608 Covenant Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
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