Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbia, SC 29209
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asbury Memorial United Methodist Churc | 803-776-7237 | 1005 Asbury Dr | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Bethleham Baptist Church | 803-695-0226 | 3910 Bluff Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Bible Way | 803-776-5929 | 2440 Atlas Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Bluff Road United Methodist Churc | 803-776-8977 | 5110 Bluff Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Capitol View Baptist Church | 803-776-0177 | 1540 Elmtree Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Christ the King Lutheran Church | 803-776-3050 | 7239 Patterson Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 803-782-7141 | 4440 Fort Jackson Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Church of the Cross | 803-776-1864 | 7244 Patterson Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Community of Christ | 803-783-3522 | 1431 Elmtree Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
East Columbia Baptist Church | 803-776-5237 | 9601 Caughman Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Greater Works Christian Center | 803-647-0905 | 8111 Garners Ferry Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Greenlawn Baptist Church | 803-776-4074 | 6612 Garners Ferry Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Living Stones Worship Center | 803-776-6400 | 8033 Caughman Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Mill Creek Ame Church | 803-783-6556 | 725 Longwood Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Mill Creek Methodist Church | 803-776-2750 | 1041 Old Garners Ferry Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Sumter Wendell B Clrgy | 803-776-2250 | 97 Mill Creek Pkwy | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Sweet Home Baptist Church | 803-783-4428 | 7500 Richard St | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Temple Baptist Church | 803-695-7729 | 806 Universal Dr | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Trinity Church | 803-776-9309 | 1501 Hallbrook Dr | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
Veighle Chapel Baptist Church | 803-783-2469 | 2400 Leesburg Rd | Columbia | SC | 29209 |
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