Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Columbia, SC 29204
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Beautiful Smile Fresh Breath Centre | 803-254-0220 | 2020 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Adult & Children Medicaid Denist | 803-748-7006 | 2757 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
American College of Prosthodontists | 803-252-1717 | 2719 Middleburg Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Asbill Henry W Dr Jr Dntst | 803-256-7101 | 2724 Middleburg Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Barrett Todd Dmd | 803-782-7722 | 4023 Forest Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Children's Dental Clinic Llc | 803-691-9930 | 3000 Two Notch Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Cooper & Cooper Pa | 803-254-7791 | 1415 Pine St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Gee George D Dr Dntst | 803-254-6763 | 1701 Saint Julian Pl | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Jenkins John W Dmd | 803-782-8931 | 2120 N Beltline Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Lemon James Dmd | 803-254-2972 | 1755 Saint Julian Pl | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Levkoff George J Dmd | 803-779-2427 | 1713 Devonshire Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Mikell Julia K Dds | 803-738-1114 | 3261 Harrison Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Newsome Jarrett Dr | 803-254-2465 | 1701 Saint Julian Pl Ste 202 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Peacock Edgar H Jr Dr | 803-256-9268 | 2750 Laurel St Ste 202 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Stockton Family & Cosmetic Dentis | 803-735-9446 | 5219 Two Notch Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
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