Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Columbia, SC 29210
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Brighter Smile | 803-239-2200 | 1410 Colonial Life Blvd W Ste 160 | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Austin B Meares D M D P A | 803-772-6172 | 1513 Morninghill Dr | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Ayers J Lee Jr Dmd | 803-798-0894 | 3527 Bush River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Columbia Denture Center | 803-798-2377 | 2123 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Dupuis R Creig Jr Dr Dntst | 803-731-9556 | 142 Leisure Ln | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Forbes Doug R Dr Dntst | 803-798-4226 | 1061 Saint Andrews Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Gohean Robert J Dmd | 803-798-8476 | 130 Stonemark Ln | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Holliday Kimberly J Dmd | 803-772-9994 | 384 Saint Andrews Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Linder Stephen F Dmd | 803-798-7001 | 1510 Bush River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Mack Joseph S Dr Jr Dntst | 803-772-1548 | 2007 Broad River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Major Thomas M Dmd | 803-798-0344 | 3515 Bush River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Pitts Thomas H Dmd Dntst | 803-750-5494 | 138 Leisure Ln | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Porterfield Michael P Dr | 803-772-8610 | 1400 Grove Park Ln | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Samuel J Marsh Dds | 803-798-8675 | 2302 Bush River Rd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Stewart Thomas C Jr Dds Pa | 803-772-8190 | 212 Outlet Pointe Blvd | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
Trinkner Thomas F Dr Dds | 803-772-9628 | 140 Leisure Ln | Columbia | SC | 29210 |
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