Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Columbia, SC 29205
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A La Carte Real Estate Service | 803-933-9249 | 721 King St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Bollin Ligon Walker Realtors | 803-256-6287 | 3008 Millwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Cari Company the Rl Est | 803-782-0100 | 4102 Claremont Dr | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Carter Realtors | 803-252-7500 | 3145 Carlisle St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Century 21 Bob Capes Realtors | 803-765-1200 | 2132 Devine St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Chappell Phil Realty Inc | 803-776-1719 | 2214 Devine St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Covington Ray Inc Weichert Realto | 803-252-8710 | 2507 Devine St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Davis William | 803-252-5287 | 1301 Gladden St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Durham William Company Realtors | 803-256-3591 | 3135 Millwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Fernandez Maria Real Estate | 803-779-1258 | 2431 Terrace Way | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Hammond Co Realtors | 803-256-2488 | 3032 Millwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Homevestors Opportunity Knocks Llc | 803-931-8787 | 2761 Rosewood Dr | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Hubbard Group The | 803-748-7574 | 822 Woodrow St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Imperial Realty Co Inc | 803-799-3000 | 3508 Devine St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Jamison Bill & Co Property Manage | 803-799-6552 | 2908 Devine St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Morris Morgan Realty Inc Apprairvcs | 803-799-2719 | 2524 Millwood Ave | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Palmetto Outdoor Adjustments | 803-254-6613 | 2772 Rosewood Dr | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Powe Realty | 803-931-0308 | 543 Santee Ave | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Prime Financial Services | 803-790-0093 | 4001 Rosewood Dr | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Re Max Advantage Group | 803-771-9999 | 3006 Devine St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Russell & Jeffcoat Realtors Inc | 803-252-2525 | 3722 Devine St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Shandon Group The | 803-779-6131 | 2002 Blossom St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
Smith Wayne T | 803-256-2116 | 2222 Devine St | Columbia | SC | 29205 |
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