Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Columbia, SC 29204
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Columbia SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Administration | 803-865-4510 | 2435 Forest Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Alia Richard T MD Facrs | 803-779-2005 | 1730 Saint Julian Pl | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Allen William Baker Dr Surg | 803-254-5140 | 2750 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Ashton J Eric Pa-C | 803-376-8880 | 1718 Saint Julian Pl | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Associates in Internal Medicine MD | 803-254-2786 | 2701 Middleburg Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Bank Robert L MD | 803-779-3548 | 2700 Middleburg Dr Ste 201 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Beard John T MD | 803-254-3278 | 2001 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Blaskis Mark G MD | 803-771-7506 | 1706 Saint Julian Pl | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Bristow Walter J III MD | 803-799-4800 | 2739 Laurel St Ste 1A | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Bryan W M Jr MD | 803-787-1308 | 1718 Madison Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Capital City Medicine Inc | 803-256-1111 | 2719 Middleburg Dr Ste 204 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Collins Ronald L MD | 803-779-0911 | 1711 Saint Julian Pl | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Columbia Allergy Clinic | 803-799-4628 | 2601 Laurel St | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Columbia Medical Associates Pa | 803-252-1953 | 2750 Laurel St Ste 303 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Eye Physicians & Surgeons of Col | 803-256-7494 | 2601 Laurel St Ste 110 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Glazebrook Thomas S MD | 803-254-6060 | 2719 Middleburg Dr Ste 101 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Harrell Ira L MD | 803-779-0277 | 1707 Bernardin Ave | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Henderson Frampton W Jr MD | 803-254-5171 | 2750 Laurel St Ste 103 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Herman James R Dr Internal Medici | 803-254-2800 | 1701 Devonshire Dr | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Horst Eric MD | 803-256-3534 | 1740 Saint Julian Pl | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Kinder Philip W MD | 803-254-0666 | 1410 Cambridge Ln | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Markham Asthma & Allergy Center | 803-779-0084 | 1655 Bernardin Ave Ste 110 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Massey Benjamin D MD | 803-799-2219 | 2750 Laurel St Ste 201 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Midlands Pediatrics | 803-254-4257 | 2712 Middleburg Dr Ste 101 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Palmetto Cardiology Associates | 803-252-6644 | 1655 Bernardin Ave Ste 300 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Palmetto Pain Management Llc | 803-779-3263 | 2601 Laurel St Ste 130 | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
Yates W M MD | 803-787-0091 | 3713 Covenant Rd | Columbia | SC | 29204 |
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