Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Cowpens, SC 29330
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Cowpens SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central Baptist Church | 864-463-4411 | 126 W Church St | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
First Baptist Church of Cowpens | 864-463-4080 | 108 W Church St | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
Graham Chapel Wesleyan Church | 864-461-2414 | 235 Iron Bridge Rd | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
Holy Temple Baptist Church | 864-463-1698 | 163 Carver St | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
Island Creek Baptist Church | 864-463-4666 | 2118 Battleground Rd | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
Love Springs Baptist Church | 864-463-9510 | 554 Sunny Slope Dr | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
Mayo First Baptist Church | 864-461-8501 | 190 Mayo Rd | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
Mountain View Baptist Church | 864-463-6092 | 650 Battleground Rd | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
Mt Calvary Baptist Church | 864-463-4751 | 299 S Linda St | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church | 864-463-6119 | 250 Mount Olive Rd | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
Orchard Street Baptist Church | 864-461-8705 | 1821 Double Branch Rd | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
Piney Grove Baptist Church | 864-463-4082 | 2085 Mayo Rd | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
Salem United Methodist Church | 864-463-6416 | 5425 N Main St | Cowpens | SC | 29330 |
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