Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Roebuck, SC 29376
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Roebuck SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baxter Robert E Rev | 864-576-6156 | 1399 Walnut Grove Rd | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 864-576-6355 | | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 864-576-0984 | 3263 Carolina Country Clu | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
First Baptist Church of Roebuck | 864-595-0499 | 3839 S Church Street Ext | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Foster Chapel Baptist Church | 864-576-5802 | 2800 Stone Station Rd | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Harrison Grove Baptist Church | 864-576-2970 | 299 Harrison Grove Churc | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Little Zion Baptist Church | 864-595-1166 | 104 Evans Dr | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Living Waters Christian Ministries | 864-583-0120 | 625 Southport Rd | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Moore's Chapel Baptist Church | 864-587-7656 | 198 Hobbysville Rd | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Mt Alexander Baptist Church | 864-476-2991 | 4190 Walnut Grove Rd | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Prince of Peace Church | 864-583-8187 | 689 Carolina Drive Ext | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Roebuck Presbyterian Church P C A | 864-576-5717 | 2179 E Blackstock Rd | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Roebuck United Methodist Churc | 864-576-5605 | 3607 S Church Street Ext | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Spartanburg Christian Fellowship | 864-574-6535 | 129 Peake Rd | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Stone Station Baptist Church | 864-574-8346 | 121 Walnut Grove Ln | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
Walnut Grove United Methodist Churc | 864-576-2204 | 1335 Walnut Grove Rd | Roebuck | SC | 29376 |
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