Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Spartanburg, SC 29302
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Spartanburg SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allen Chapel United Methodist Churc | 864-583-7999 | 617 Highway 56 | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Ben Avon Baptist Church | 864-583-8054 | 2437 Wallace Ave | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Ben Avon United Methodist Churc | 864-582-2032 | 2362 Avondale Dr | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Bethesda Baptist Church | 864-585-8880 | 799 Bethesda Rd | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Bread of Life Christian Fellowship | 864-583-1562 | 191 S Dean St | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Cedar Spring Baptist Church | 864-585-5526 | 140 Cedar Springs Pl | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Christian Faith Assembly | 864-573-5224 | 1005 Union St | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 864-582-7636 | 121 Quail Dr | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Converse College Alumnae House | 864-583-9801 | 580 E Main St | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Croft Baptist Church | 864-582-1544 | 4190 E Croft Cir | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Episcopal Church of the Advent | 864-585-2268 | 141 Advent St | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
First Baptist Church of Spartanburg | 864-596-4109 | 209 E Saint John St | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
First Presbyterian Church | 864-583-4531 | 393 E Main St | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Golighty United Methodist Churc | 864-583-5925 | 2000 Highway 56 | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Metropolitan Ame Zion Church | 864-583-6706 | 317 N Dean St | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Morningside Baptist Church | 864-585-5457 | 897 S Pine St | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Mount Sinai Baptist Church | 864-582-1300 | 2911 S Pine St | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
Solid Rock Church | 864-342-0107 | 1326 Union St | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
St John's Lutheran Church Elca | 864-583-8167 | 415 S Pine St | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
St Luke United Methodist Churc | 864-583-7872 | 105 McKay Ave | Spartanburg | SC | 29302 |
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