Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Spartanburg, SC 29306
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Spartanburg SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anderson Thurman W Rev Jr | 864-585-4801 | 245 S Church St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Arcadia United Methodist Churc | 864-576-3042 | 39 Arcadia St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Arkwright Baptist Church | 864-585-2445 | Arkwright | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Ashford George A Rev | 864-587-2018 | 778 John B White SR Blvd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Awakening Hour The | 864-591-1070 | 157 E Saint John St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Beaver Hills Baptist Church | 864-576-3317 | Highway 221 S | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Boiling Springs Church of Christ | 864-599-0265 | 870 Double Springs Rd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Canaan Baptist Church | 864-583-3581 | 701 Canaan Rd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Church Builders Tabernacle | 864-542-2242 | 145 W Kennedy St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Clifton First Baptist Church | 864-579-9464 | 551 Hawk Hl | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Community Baptist Church | 864-583-0284 | 297 Fuller Rd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 864-582-2550 | 700 S Converse St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
El Bethel United Methodist Churc | 864-583-3553 | 820 S Church St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Evangelical Wesleyan Mission Inc | 864-599-5800 | 2230 Riveroak Rd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Fairforest Baptist Church | 864-576-4033 | 115 N Church St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
First Baptist Church of Spartanburg | 864-583-7245 | 250 E Main St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
First Temple Baptist Church | 864-591-2252 | 109 Everett St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
For His Glory Ministry | 864-582-5700 | 439 Union St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Golden Street Baptist Church | 864-585-4960 | Linder St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Hailstock James L Rev | 864-582-0675 | 400 Hudson L Barksdale B | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Holy Communion Lutheran Church | 864-576-1953 | 1430 John B White SR Blvd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 864-582-5717 | 502 S Daniel Morgan Ave | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Maxwell Chapel Baptist Church | 864-577-0688 | 448 Duncan St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Moore Church of Christ | 864-576-1171 | 2798 Moore Duncan Hwy | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Mount Moriah Baptist Church | 864-582-1478 | 445 S Church St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 864-582-0890 | 320 Wimberly Dr | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
New Maxwell Chapel Baptist Church | 864-585-1472 | 881 S Church St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
O'neal J E Rev | 864-578-6862 | 2260 Old Furnace Rd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Promised Land Ministries The | 864-595-0515 | 150 Kensington Dr | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Roebuck Baptist Church | 864-576-5670 | 1979 E Blackstock Rd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Southside Baptist Church | 864-582-2341 | 316 S Church St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
St James Baptist Church | 864-573-9787 | 329 New York Ave | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Stephen Grove Ame Zion Church | 864-576-5994 | Stephen Grove Rd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
West View Independent Methodist Churc | 864-576-8792 | Old Reidville Rd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
White Hall Independent Methodist Churc | 864-592-2362 | 130 Brown Arrow Cir | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Williams Mark Rev | 864-814-6280 | 404 Sugar Ridge Rd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
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