Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Spartanburg, SC 29306
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Spartanburg SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adams-Hudson Brenda MD | 864-560-6000 | 750 S Church St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Ambruoso Victor N MD Facs | 864-598-9001 | 144 E Main St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Anderson Area Medical Center | 864-261-1000 | 800 N Fant St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Applebaum Mary Lou Pc | 864-582-6858 | 2030 N Church Pl | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Bass R Bruce MD | 864-542-9400 | 396 Pinehurst Dr | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Behavioral Health Center Inc | 864-574-4222 | 827 John B White SR Blvd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Benson Kathy Np | 864-474-1528 | 7221 S Pine St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Carolina Foot Care Llc | 864-595-9300 | 1399 John B White SR Blvd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Del Savio Beth C MD | 864-582-3447 | 2020 N Church | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Eastside Eye Center | 864-574-7767 | 1413 John B White SR Blvd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Esposito Pat MD | 864-560-6334 | 12230 Asheville Hwy | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Family Physicians of Spartanburg | 864-576-9201 | 1250 John B White SR Blvd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Mountain View Orthopaedics Pa | 864-877-6441 | 556 Memorial Drive Ext | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Pares Gonzalo MD | 864-560-9300 | 751 E Georgia Rd | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
Reiheld Robert G MD | 864-560-7001 | 210 Catawba St | Spartanburg | SC | 29306 |
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