Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pinewood, SC 29125
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pinewood SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Ame Church | 803-452-5886 | 8800 Camp Mac Boykin Rd | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
Antioch Rmue Church | 803-452-6542 | 11096 Governor Richardson | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
Antioch Ume Church | 803-452-5513 | 10026 Old River Rd | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 803-452-5507 | 10075 Calvary Church Rd | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Paxville Congre | 803-452-5914 | 8574 Summerton Hwy | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
Mt Hope Fbh Church | 803-452-6886 | 1616 Eagerton Rd | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
Mt Pleasant Ume Church | 803-452-6080 | 1628 Fullerton Rd | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
New Hope Ame Church | 803-452-6960 | 18808 Panola Rd | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
Pinewood Baptist Church | 803-452-5373 | 10 E Fulton St | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
Pinewood Methodist Church Parsonag | 803-452-5737 | 211 East Ave N | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
St John Baptist Church | 803-452-5994 | 102 W Clark St | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church | 803-452-5127 | 2225 Conyers Rd | Pinewood | SC | 29125 |
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