Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Florists in Sumter, SC 29150
* Each listing below of Florists Information for Sumter SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Ring Around the Roses | 803-934-8000 | 95 Market St | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
Dwyer's Florist | 803-775-2056 | 526 S Main St | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
Elsie's Flowers & Gifts | 803-494-4001 | 472 Praylou | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
Etceteria Flower & Gift Shop | 803-775-5607 | 103 S Harvin St | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
Flowers & Baskets Inc | 803-778-1444 | 29 W Calhoun St | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
Gary's Florist | 803-775-7768 | 674 Bultman Dr | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
Goodman's Community | 803-775-5197 | 311 Manning Ave | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
Ozzie's at the Rustic Market | 803-774-0204 | 433 N Guignard Dr | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
Rosa's House of Flowers | 803-775-4021 | 738 N Main St | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
Rush's Florist | 803-775-4785 | 316 S Lafayette Dr | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
Western Florist | 803-469-0090 | 1332 Broad St | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
Wilson Florist | 803-499-4420 | 5040 Florist Ln | Sumter | SC | 29150 |
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