Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Grocery Stores in Sumter, SC 29153
* Each listing below of Grocery Stores Information for Sumter SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
B & M Convenience & Grill | 803-469-3910 | 3350 N Main St | Sumter | SC | 29153 |
Country Boy's Grocery | 803-428-2277 | 2671 Woodrow Rd | Sumter | SC | 29153 |
J & W Grocery | 803-773-5359 | 1101 Waynick St | Sumter | SC | 29153 |
La Corona | 803-775-2444 | 418 E Liberty St | Sumter | SC | 29153 |
P & D Grocery | 803-775-6911 | 1032 Boulevard Rd | Sumter | SC | 29153 |
Porter's Grocery | 803-495-3800 | 3815 Myrtle Beach Hwy | Sumter | SC | 29153 |
Rocky Bluff Grocery & Fuel Oil | 803-469-3193 | 2030 N Main St | Sumter | SC | 29153 |
Young's Food Stores | 803-469-9065 | 1970 Camden Rd | Sumter | SC | 29153 |
Young's Food Stores | 803-775-8113 | 940 E Liberty St | Sumter | SC | 29153 |
Young's Food Stores | 803-495-3744 | 1950 Myrtle Beach Hwy | Sumter | SC | 29153 |
Young's Food Stores | 803-773-3031 | 1233 N Main St | Sumter | SC | 29153 |
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