Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fort Mill, SC 29708
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fort Mill SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 803-547-7059 | 601 Joe Louis St | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
Carolina Covenant Church | 803-548-6804 | 1090 Gold Hill Rd | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
Church of Christ at Gold Hill Road | 803-548-7762 | 1055 Gold Hill Rd | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
Grace Presbyterian Church | 803-548-0800 | Highway 160 at Gold | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
James Chapel Baptist Church | 803-548-4367 | 3330 Highway 160 W | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
Lake Wylie Lutheran Church | 803-548-5489 | Highway 160 Gold Hil | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
Lakeshore | 803-548-2755 | 130 Shoreline Pkwy | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
Lord's Armory The | 803-548-0783 | 1734 Harris Rd | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
Philadelphia United Methodist Churc | 803-548-0102 | 1691 Highway 160 W | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
Riverview Presbyterian Church | 803-547-2581 | 124 Sutton Rd N | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
Tega Cay Baptist Church | 803-548-2600 | 1875 Gold Hill Rd | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
Westerly Hills Baptist Church | 803-547-6150 | 1730 Doves Rd | Fort Mill | SC | 29708 |
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