Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Rock Hill, SC 29732
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Rock Hill SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adnah United Methodist Church | 803-328-1618 | 1 Adnah Dr | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Adnah United Methodist Church Family L | 803-366-2731 | 1615 Adnah Church Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Aldersgate United Methodist Churc | 803-366-4637 | 2115 Celanese Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Boyd Hill Baptist Church | 803-327-2422 | 315 Glenn St | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
China Grove Ame Zion Church | 803-328-1565 | 4601 Mount Gallant Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Christian Fellowship Church | 803-324-4655 | 1096 McConnells Hwy | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Church of the Nazarene | 803-366-4701 | 1029 Mount Gallant Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Church of the Redeemer | 803-327-9335 | 546 S Cherry Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Cornerstone United Methodist Churc | 803-328-1496 | 2697 Heckle Blvd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Covenant Presbyterian Church | 803-366-8223 | 1830 Celanese Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Dial-A-Prayer | 803-366-8744 | 1300 India Hook Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Eastview Baptist Church | 803-324-4025 | 1430 Gordon Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Eastview Baptist Church | 803-980-2297 | 1450 Gordon Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Ebenezer Baptist Church | 803-366-5480 | 290 S Herlong Ave | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church | 803-366-5119 | 2132 Ebenezer Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 803-366-1392 | 1004 McDow Dr | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Epiphany Lutheran Church | 803-324-8877 | 2370 W Main St | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Faith Family Christian Center | 803-366-5238 | 3483 Homestead Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 803-329-3940 | 3330 McConnells Hwy | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
First Baptist Church Newport | 803-366-5945 | 455 Hands Mill Hwy | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Harvest Baptist Church | 803-325-1120 | 153 Miller Pond Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
India Hook United Methodist Churc | 803-329-7787 | 3300 Mount Gallant Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Inspiration Baptist Church | 803-329-5365 | 921 Comer Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Lakewood Baptist Church | 803-366-3443 | 3520 Mount Gallant Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
New Hope United Methodist Churc | 803-328-1662 | 270 Aspendale Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
New Life Community Church | 803-985-0440 | 2693 Celanese Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Newkirk Baptist Church | 803-325-2002 | 175 Museum Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Oakland Baptist Church | 803-328-3864 | 1067 Oakland Ave | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Oakland Baptist Church | 803-327-4388 | 1143 Winthrop Dr | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Oakwood Acres Baptist Church | 803-985-2131 | 2212 Burton St | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Park Ridge Baptist Church | 803-366-3313 | 5099 Trotter Ridge Ct | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Pineville A M E Zion Church | 803-327-1590 | 4200 York Hwy | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Rawlinson Road Baptist Church | 803-324-7530 | 1024 Rawlinson Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Riverside Baptist Church | 803-329-4998 | 3248 India Hook Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Rock Hill Christian Church | 803-366-5465 | 380 Museum Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
Rock Hill Independent Baptist Church | 803-327-6690 | 725 Cherry Rd Ste 200 | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
The Pointe | 803-324-0605 | 2220 Cherry Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
West End Baptist Church | 803-327-2811 | 1727 McConnells Hwy | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
York Baptist Association | 803-327-6144 | 434 Museum Rd | Rock Hill | SC | 29732 |
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