Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Government Offices in York, SC 29745
* Each listing below of Government Offices Information for York SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
City of York Waste Treatment Plant | 803-327-2400 | 2498 Ecology Rd | York | SC | 29745 |
Police Department-City | 803-684-4141 | 10 N Roosevelt St | York | SC | 29745 |
South Carolina State Government | 803-684-6115 | 14 N Congress St | York | SC | 29745 |
South Carolina State Government | 803-684-1504 | Pinckney St | York | SC | 29745 |
South Carolina State Government | 803-684-1905 | 18 Spruce St | York | SC | 29745 |
York City of | 803-684-1726 | 74 4th St | York | SC | 29745 |
York City of | 803-628-0562 | 7 N Roosevelt St | York | SC | 29745 |
York City of | 803-684-1720 | 202 Ross Cannon St | York | SC | 29745 |
York City of | 803-684-1725 | 700 W Liberty St | York | SC | 29745 |
York City of | 803-684-3742 | 20 White Rose Ln | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Board of Disabilities | 803-628-5800 | E York Industrial Blvd | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Board of Disabilities & | 803-628-0031 | 319 Roberts Ave | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Board of Disabilities An | 803-684-7713 | 1249 Cameron Rd | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Board of Disabilities An | 803-684-5513 | 1855 Charlotte Hwy | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Board of Disabilities An | 803-628-0846 | 310 Grey Fox Run Rd | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Board of Disabilities An | 803-628-0907 | 498 Hall St | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Board of Disabilities An | 803-628-0569 | 2824 Highway 161 S | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Board of Disabilities An | 803-684-4332 | 1863 Highway 49 | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Board of Disabilities An | 803-628-5999 | 7900 Park Place Rd | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Board of Disabilities An | 803-684-1147 | 307 Roberts Ave | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Government | 803-684-8513 | 1 E Liberty St | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Government | 803-628-3202 | 725 Justice Blvd | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Government | 803-628-3930 | 1 N Congress St | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Government | 803-628-3211 | 220 Public Works Rd | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Government | 803-684-8501 | S Congress | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Government | 803-684-8505 | 2 S Congress St | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Government | 803-684-8511 | 6 S Congress St | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Government | 803-684-1242 | 13 S Congress St | York | SC | 29745 |
York County Government | 803-628-3020 | 1675 York Hwy | York | SC | 29745 |
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