Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Clover, SC 29710
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Clover SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bluewater Bistro | 803-831-9773 | 4516 Charlotte Hwy | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Bojangles of Clover | 803-222-9936 | 927 N Main St | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Burger King | 803-631-0081 | 5217 Highway 557 | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Courtney Barbecue | 803-222-5900 | 1166 Highway 55 E | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Dixie Diner | 803-222-4522 | 1827 Highway 321 N | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Eagles Nest The | 803-222-7461 | 507 N Main St | Clover | SC | 29710 |
El Mexicano Restaurant | 803-222-1838 | 401 N Main St | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Hardee's of Clover | 803-222-9092 | 206 S Main St | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Holy Grounds | 803-222-4463 | 510 S Main St | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Jrs Grill & Convenience Store | 803-222-4800 | 1791 Highway 55 W | Clover | SC | 29710 |
K Fc & A & W | 803-222-1221 | 958 Bethel St | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Knothole Saloon & Eatery | 803-831-0303 | 4070 Charlotte Hwy | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Local Motion Bar & Grill | 803-831-0037 | 4555 Charlotte Hwy | Clover | SC | 29710 |
McDonald's Hamburgers | 803-222-1064 | 905 Bethel St | Clover | SC | 29710 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 803-831-8577 | 4040 Charlotte Hwy | Clover | SC | 29710 |
River Rat Restaurant | 803-831-1901 | 5301 Highway 557 | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Rose Garden Restaurant | 803-222-2422 | 115 Kings Mountain St | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Steve Cooper's Coop | 803-831-7149 | 1150 Highway 274 | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 803-222-1970 | 833 Bethel St | Clover | SC | 29710 |
T-Bones on the Lake | 803-831-0170 | 3990 Charlotte Hwy | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Victoria's Diner | 803-222-3310 | 102 N Main St | Clover | SC | 29710 |
Wendy's | 803-831-2687 | 5188 Charlotte Hwy | Clover | SC | 29710 |
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