Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sioux Falls, SD 57103
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sioux Falls SD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abiding Savior Free Lutheran | 605-371-3800 | 4100 S Bahnson Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 605-332-8861 | 31st & Western Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Church of the Harvest | 605-335-5800 | 309 S Bahnson Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Crestwood United Church of Christ | 605-334-2802 | 33rd & Cliff | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Cross Pointe Baptist Church | 605-361-7384 | 2201 S Mariana Dr | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
East Side Lutheran Church Elca | 605-336-3597 | 1300 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
East Side Presbyterian Church | 605-334-8633 | 1001 E 6th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 605-336-6780 | 405 S Mable Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Faith Lutheran Church Missouri Synod | 605-332-3401 | 601 N Cliff Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
First Christian Reformed Church | 605-338-6904 | 2901 E 26th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 605-338-7596 | 821 S Cloudas Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Wisc Syn | 605-371-0047 | 4800 S Southeastern Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Grace Lutheran Church Elca | 605-334-8625 | 3300 E 18th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Hillcrest Baptist Church | 605-371-0546 | 4301 E 26th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Hilltop United Methodist Churc | 605-338-8689 | 1312 S Bahnson Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Islamic Center of Sioux Falls | 605-333-2005 | 1909 E 6th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Lincoln Hills Bible Church | 605-334-8111 | 63rd & S Clf | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Lutheran Congregation Behind Prllsst | 605-338-1735 | 1300 E Falls | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Rustic Hills Community Church | 605-371-1733 | Sycamore Avenue & Fe | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Sd Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church | 605-274-4011 | Augustana College | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Shalom Christian Reformed Church | 605-371-1597 | 4100 S Southeastern Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Sonrise Baptist Chruch | 605-331-6440 | 3300 E Oak St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Southeastern Church of Christ | 605-332-1902 | 1208 S Southeastern Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Southern Hills United Methodist Churc | 605-371-2065 | 3400 E 49th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Union Gospel Mission | 605-357-8271 | 701 E 8th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 605-371-3801 | 26th Street & Bahnso | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Zion Lutheran Church | 605-338-5226 | 22nd & Spring | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
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