Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Sioux Falls, SD 57103
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Sioux Falls SD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alpine Inn | 605-339-2708 | 212 S Sneve Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Appetease | 605-371-3325 | 4117 S Southeastern Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Applebee's | 605-977-4640 | 3221 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Arby's Restaurant | 605-334-0700 | 2729 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Boomer's Place | 605-334-2666 | 4408 E 26th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Burger King Restaurants | 605-338-5599 | 1401 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Burger King Restaurants | 605-371-4411 | 4407 E 26th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Burger Time Corp | 605-332-1513 | 200 S Lewis Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Caffe Sofiya | 605-371-1388 | 3638 S Southeastern Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Corner Pub & Casino | 605-330-9604 | 2408 E 6th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Dairy Queen | 605-361-8377 | 4001 W 41 St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Denny's | 605-221-1400 | 4001 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Falls Landing Restaurant | 605-336-2290 | 200 E 8th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Fridays Hero | 605-338-1565 | 1004 W 185H St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Fryn' Pan Family Restaurant | 605-336-3950 | 2708 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Huhot Mongolian Grill | 605-334-7400 | 41st & Western | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Huhot Mongolian Grill | 605-221-1200 | 10 E Saint & 11 Hwy | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 605-336-9688 | 12th & Kiwanis | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 605-336-1710 | 3401 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 605-334-3222 | 917 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 605-332-1211 | 3101 E 26th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 605-336-1424 | 721 E 8th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Puerto Vallarta Family Resturant | 605-336-7522 | 1801 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 605-339-9465 | 1116 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Taco Bell | 605-331-4048 | 3309 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Taco John's of Sioux Falls | 605-339-9054 | 1605 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Taco John's of Sioux Falls | 605-339-9558 | 1609 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
The Pocket Cocktail Lounge | 605-332-9365 | 301 S Thompson Ave | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Uncle Angelo's Buffet & Sandwich Shoppe | 605-362-5748 | Empire Mall & Shrive | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Upper Cut | 605-336-0900 | 2819 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
Z'kota Grille | 605-332-1410 | 1010 E 10th St | Sioux Falls | SD | 57103 |
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