Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Rapid City, SD 57701
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Rapid City SD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Atonement Lutheran Church Elca | 605-343-3155 | 602 Auburn Dr | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Audra's Bridal Gallery | 605-348-8816 | 601 Saint Joseph St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Bible Baptist Church | 605-718-1823 | 1302 9th St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 605-342-3384 | S Highway 16 | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Calvary Chapel of the Black Hills | 605-394-5799 | 120 Knollwood Dr | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Chapel in the Hills | 605-343-9426 | Chapel Ln | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Christian Church First | 605-342-5707 | 730 Quincy St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 605-343-4866 | 530 Saint Joseph St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Church at Rapid City | 605-348-9496 | 232 E Adams St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Church of Christ | 605-343-4183 | 1529 West Blvd N | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Church of Christ | 605-348-7990 | 1302 E Fairmont Blvd | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Claussen Photography | 605-388-3970 | 971 Creekside View Ln | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Complete Music and Video | 605-348-8869 | 405 E Omaha St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Dove Christian Center | 605-348-0670 | 1213 Harmony Heights Ln | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 605-342-9234 | 17 Indiana St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Faith Temple Church of God in Christ | 605-342-1633 | 715 Kansas City St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
First Baptist Church | 605-343-0342 | 707 Saint Patrick St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 605-342-6082 | 829 N 7th St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
First Presbyterian Church | 605-343-6171 | 710 Kansas City St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
First United Methodist Church | 605-342-4498 | 629 Kansas City St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Forever Yours Bridal & Formal Wear | 605-348-9100 | 522 Saint Joseph St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Fountain Springs Community Churc | 605-343-4181 | 2100 Plaza Blvd | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Free Douglas Rev | 605-342-2124 | 802 E Elk St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Hampton Inn | 605-348-1911 | 1720 Rapp St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Herrboldt Lavon & Bruce Rev | 605-343-0511 | 5231 Ridgeview Rd | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Jerry's Cakes & Donuts | 605-341-4814 | 116 East Blvd N | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Jolly Lane Floral Inc | 605-348-3353 | 407 E North St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Knollwood Heights United Methodis | 605-343-7145 | 320 E College Ave | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Liberty Baptist Tabernacle | 605-342-6930 | 1515 Space Ave | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Living Word Church | 605-343-8787 | 610 Saint Francis St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church | 605-388-0032 | 910 Wood Ave | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Peace Lutheran Church Lcms | 605-721-6480 | 219 E Saint Anne St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Providence Baptist | 605-343-2833 | 315 N 4th St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Quality Inn | 605-342-3322 | 1902 N Lacrosse St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Rushmore Travel | 605-341-0744 | 1511 Mount Rushmore Rd | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Sacred Vows Wedding Professionals | 605-399-2543 | 3612 Chief Dr | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Salvation Army The | 605-342-0982 | 405 N Cherry Ave | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Sd Conference United Church of Chris | 605-342-1611 | 2201 3rd St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Sd Synod Native American Minist | 605-348-0247 | 522 Anamosa St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
South Maple United Methodist Churc | 605-343-1813 | 202 E Indiana St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church Wisc Syn | 605-341-5385 | 835 E Fairmont Blvd | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Trinity Lutheran Church Elca | 605-342-9302 | 402 Kansas City St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
United Campus Ministry | 605-718-8676 | 329 E Saint Joseph St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Zion Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 605-342-5749 | 4550 S Highway 16 | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
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