Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Rapid City, SD 57701
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Rapid City SD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Birthright | 605-343-1732 | 2002 5th St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Black Hills Area Habitat for Hum | 605-348-9196 | 611 Herman St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Catholic Chancery Office Diocese | 605-343-3541 | 606 Cathedral Dr | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Child Care Services | 605-355-3545 | 111 New York St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Church Response | 605-342-5360 | 30 Main St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Commonground Visitation Center | 605-348-7015 | 629 Quincy St Ste 100 | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Front Porch Coalition | 605-348-6692 | 521 Kansas City St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Lutheran Social Services | 605-388-8195 | 22 E New York St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
M E A L S Program The | 605-343-8214 | 330 Philadelphia St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Meals Program Office | 605-394-6002 | 303 N Maple Ave | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Rural America Initiatives | 605-341-3339 | 919 Main St Ste 201 | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
Ski for Light | 605-341-3626 | 109 E Omaha St | Rapid City | SD | 57701 |
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