Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hixson, TN 37343
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hixson TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berean Academy | 423-877-1288 | 441 Berean Ln | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Bethel Temple Assembly of God | 423-842-2982 | 6613 Hixson Pike | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Calvary Chapel Chattanooga | 423-874-1073 | 4600 Hixson Pike Ste 201 | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Calvary Independent Baptist Church | 423-843-0524 | 9111 Lovell Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Church of Hixson First Baptist | 423-875-2781 | 4815 Winding Ln | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Clements Jim Jr | 423-842-2245 | 1836 Thrasher Pike | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Community Baptist Church | 423-843-1215 | 8807 Dallas Hollow Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Cross of Calvary | 423-843-1589 | 1853 Thrasher Pike | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Dallas Bay Southern Baptist Mission | 423-842-9299 | 8305 Daisy Dallas Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Delashmitt Road Baptist Church | 423-877-4779 | 4709 Delashmitt Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Fairview United Methodist Churc | 423-842-4886 | 3901 Hamill Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Falling Water Baptist Church | 423-842-5924 | 523 Roberts Mill Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Falling Water Baptist Tabernacle | 423-843-3007 | 603 Jackson Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Falling Water Cumberland Pres | 423-843-3050 | 6534 Old Dayton Pike | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
First Free Will Baptist Church | 423-875-9092 | 625 Ely Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 423-842-0982 | 7226 Moses Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Grace Fellowship Inc | 423-842-0110 | 8615 Hixson Pike Ste C | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Highland Plaza United Methodist Churc | 423-877-8886 | 4226 Norcross Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Hixson Church of Christ | 423-877-6232 | 1505 Cloverdale Dr | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Hixson First Baptist Church | 423-877-2467 | 5800 Grubb Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Hixson Presbyterian Church Pca | 423-875-0616 | 1005 Gadd Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Hixson Seventh Day Adventist Churc | 423-842-6515 | 6424 Hixson Pike | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Hixson United Methodist Church | 423-877-1246 | 5301 Old Hixson Pike | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Life Gate Baptist Church | 423-843-1389 | 1813 Thrasher Pike | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Memorial Baptist Church | 423-877-7922 | 4445 Hixson Pike | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Middle Cross Baptist Church | 423-877-5742 | 4009 Norcross Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Middle Valley Baptist Church | 423-842-1911 | 7901 Middle Valley Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Middle Valley Methodist Church | 423-842-0906 | 8609 Walnut Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Miracle Baptist Church | 423-842-2777 | 6739 Levi Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
North Hixson Church of Christ | 423-842-5526 | 5484 Old Hixson Pike | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
North River Alliance Church | 423-870-8397 | 5954 Highway 153 | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
North River Christian Church | 423-842-0713 | 1675 Shelby Cir | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Reformers Unanimous | 423-847-6557 | 6311 Dayton Blvd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Sequoyah Baptist Tabernacle | 423-843-1874 | 8405 Daisy Dallas Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Soddy Church of Christ | 423-332-1418 | 11665 Hixson Park | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
St Alban's Episcopal Church | 423-842-1342 | 1803 Gold Point Cir N | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Trinity Luthern Church | 423-870-1236 | 5001 Hixson Pike | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Valleybrook Presbyterian Ch | 423-843-0314 | 6001 Hixson Pike | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
Word of Life Church | 423-843-2999 | 5755 Cassandra Smith Rd | Hixson | TN | 37343 |
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