Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Soddy Daisy, TN 37379
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Soddy Daisy TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Counseling Center The | 423-842-7955 | 8915 Dallas Hollow Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Daisy Church of God | 423-332-2558 | 9555 Dayton Pike | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Daisy United Methodist Church | 423-332-3243 | 9508 Dayton Pike | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Faith Baptist | 423-332-4582 | 11314 Brown Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
First Baptist Church of Chattanooga | 423-332-3216 | Dogwood Ldg Lee Park | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
First Baptist Church Soddy Daisy | 423-332-2527 | 10185 Dayton Pike | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
First Lutheran Camp | 423-332-6164 | 1621 Lee Pike | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Flat Top Independant Church | 423-332-0001 | 13608 Jones Gap Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Good Shepherd Outreach Ministries | 423-332-6012 | 314 Depot St | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Good Shepherd Outreach Ministries | 423-332-7416 | 11025 Matthew Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Goss A C | 423-842-2333 | 8448 Springfield Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 423-842-5872 | 9833 Hixson Pike | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Green Pond Baptist Church | 423-332-2142 | 10145 Dallas Hollow Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Jubilee Baptist Church | 423-332-8060 | 11811 Clift Mill Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Melville Baptist Church | 423-332-8285 | 9067 Daisy Dallas Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Mowbray Presbyterian Church | 423-332-8224 | 2317 Mowbray Pike | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
New Mount Annie Baptist Church | 423-332-4157 | 13939 Mount Annie Church R | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
New Salem Baptist Church | 423-842-3078 | 9806 Dallas Hollow Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
New South Daisy Baptist Church | 423-332-2865 | 9129 Dayton Pike | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Oak Street Baptist Church | 423-332-2300 | 11340 N Oak St | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Pilgrim's Rest Baptist Church | 423-332-6259 | 487 Highwater Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Pleasant Hill A M E Zion Church | 423-332-4117 | 14111 Lillard Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Rechoboth Baptist Church | 423-332-5584 | 12622 Dayton Pike | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Sequoyah Church of God | 423-332-1139 | 2007 Frankie Ln | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Sneed Joe Ministries | 423-332-4698 | 8969 Dayton Pike | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Soddy United Methodist Church | 423-332-1148 | 255 Depot St | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Stoney Point Baptist Church | 423-332-5444 | 9966 Lovell Rd | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
Union Fork Baptist Church | 423-332-4883 | 350 Lee Pike | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 |
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