Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Knoxville, TN 37920
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Knoxville TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alley Robert B Dds Pa | 865-544-6625 | 1928 Alcoa Hwy Ste 305 | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Birdwell & Guffey Dds | 865-573-9629 | 529 Governor John Sevier | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Brooke William Dds Jr | 865-573-2992 | 301 W Young High Pike | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
David A Ray D D S of South Knoxville | 865-579-9585 | 205 E Moody Ave | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Eddy S Grayson | 865-579-3000 | 3221 W Governor John Sevier | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Foust D Ronald Dds | 865-573-6666 | 3522 Maryville Pike Ste A | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Freeman Robert C Dds | 865-577-7535 | 6555 Chapman Hwy | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Guffey Vicki Davis Dds | 865-573-9620 | 529 E Governor John Sevier | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Harb Richard H Dds | 865-573-4593 | 3118 Alcoa Hwy | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Harrell Donald R Dds & Associates | 865-573-2132 | 410 E Governor John Sevier | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Hayes William G Jr Dds | 865-573-8983 | 824 W Governor John Sevier | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Hazenfield James D Dds | 865-609-9682 | 6502B Chapman Hwy | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Hudson John W Dds | 865-544-9021 | 1930 Alcoa Hwy Ste 335 | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
Kie Gardner Dds | 865-579-3762 | 2923 Alcoa Hwy | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
University General Dentists | 865-544-9440 | 1930 Alcoa Hwy Ste 340 | Knoxville | TN | 37920 |
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