Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Jackson, TN 38301
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Jackson TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Area Relief Ministries | 731-423-9257 | 629 N Royal St | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Aspell Recovery Center | 731-427-7238 | 331 N Highland Ave | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Care Center The | 731-427-2273 | 351 N Liberty St | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Child and Family Services | 731-422-1107 | 1814 S Highland Ave | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Community Soup Kitchen | 731-427-7687 | 123 W College St | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Goodwill Industrial Services | 731-265-7017 | 109 S Highland Ave | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Habitat for Humanity | 731-427-7967 | 914 N Highland Ave | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Jackson City of | 731-425-8370 | 3 Westwood Gardens Dr | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Jackson Neighborhood Assoc | 731-422-2720 | 643 N Royal St | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Jonah Affordable Housing | 731-427-0817 | 121 W College St | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Regional Inter Faith Assoc | 731-427-7963 | 219 N Highland Ave | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Score | 731-427-4044 | 197 Auditorium St | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Second Harvest Food Bank of West Te | 731-424-3663 | 225 N Highland Ave | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
Tennessee Correctional Services | 731-427-4155 | 212 N Highland Ave | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
United Way of West Tennessee | 731-422-1816 | 1341 N Highland Ave | Jackson | TN | 38301 |
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