Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Memphis, TN 38108
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Memphis TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bern's & Stine Beauty and Barber Shop | 901-323-8868 | 1519 N Trezevant St | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
Concept 2000 | 901-276-6739 | 2066 Nedra Ave | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
Curt Beauty Salon | 901-452-8436 | 2973 Chelsea Ave | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
Etta's Hair Styling Center | 901-274-3700 | 2135 Chelsea Ave | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
Hair Lovers | 901-324-1307 | 2896 Chelsea Ave | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
Haniyyah's Salon of Hair Designs | 901-327-3496 | 2618 Jackson Ave | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
J-Element Style Salon | 901-272-9005 | 1149 Springdale St | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
James & Bertha's House of Style | 901-272-0725 | 2257 Chelsea Ave | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
Judy's Beauty Salon | 901-685-5011 | 1515 Wells Station Rd | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
Lynn's Got It Going on Number 2 Bty An | 901-276-3400 | 1119 Springdale St | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
Platinum Clippers | 901-458-4832 | 2474 Chelsea Ave | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
Ruby's Beauty Salon | 901-452-4301 | 3078 Chelsea Ave | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
Trudiva's House of Beauty | 901-324-7424 | 2482 Chelsea Ave | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
Veros Hair & Beauty Salon | 901-767-0047 | 1535 Wells Station Rd | Memphis | TN | 38108 |
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