Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Memphis, TN 38111
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Memphis TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Annointed Touch Hair & Nail Salon | 901-452-4144 | 3774 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Ascension Towers Beauty Shop | 901-323-1612 | 3910 Stuart Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Barbara's Salon of Beauty | 901-743-9094 | 3097 Barron Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Bare Essence Beauty Salon | 901-324-9688 | 3390 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Bella Luna Hair Design | 901-323-0086 | 3483 Poplar Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Bermel Coiffures International | 901-454-0234 | 2885 Poplar Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Brenda's Selective Designs | 901-324-7680 | 3600 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Chaparral Beauty Salon #1 | 901-458-9585 | 3286 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Clean Cuts Salon | 901-458-4434 | 667 S Highland St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Clip Joint The | 901-452-8363 | 3534 Walker Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Dorothy's Beauty Shop | 901-324-4846 | 3038 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Giboney's Beauty Salon | 901-743-1178 | 1586 Getwell Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Gould's Salon | 901-323-8594 | 3412 Poplar Ave Ste 5 | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Hair Effects | 901-458-7277 | 3207 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Justina's Salon | 901-320-0002 | 46 Chickasaw Oaks Dr | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Klassy Styles | 901-452-5305 | 3430 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Lisa Nails | 901-452-6652 | 1215 Getwell Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Luther Towers Beauty Salon | 901-324-0797 | 274 S Highland St Ofc | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Mirror's Up by Maxine | 901-458-3964 | 3200 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Modern Hair Designs | 901-452-6971 | 3415 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Mona Lisa | 901-324-5700 | 3219 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Picky Perfecshun | 901-323-2041 | 3220 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Professional Hair Designers | 901-458-8158 | 3232 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Sally's Hair Styles | 901-744-3580 | 3965 Rhodes Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Shear Necessity | 901-324-4560 | 913 S Highland St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Studio Stacy Salon | 901-458-7368 | 80 Tillman St Ste 203 | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Styles of Distinction | 901-452-4555 | 3340 Poplar Ave Ste 301 | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
The Works Studio Salon | 901-458-5153 | 744 S Highland St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Trimallacourt Beauty Salon | 901-327-0894 | 3291 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Unique Hair Designs by Faye | 901-744-6006 | 1494 Getwell Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Visible Changes Hair and Nail Salon | 901-452-0860 | 3994 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Women Speciality Salon Unlimited | 901-324-2110 | 888 S Highland St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
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