Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Memphis, TN 38111
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Memphis TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abc Child Care | 901-458-7999 | 3280 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Grea | 901-323-5440 | 81 Tillman St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Children's Cottage The | 901-323-9051 | 3381 Barron Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Community Childcare & Referral Servic | 901-327-8600 | 730 S Highland St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Creative Christian Learning Center | 901-454-0955 | 3940 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Day and Night Childcare | 901-743-9819 | 1149 Semmes St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Duke and Dutchess Day Care | 901-327-9800 | 3327 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Getwell Learning Center | 901-744-1773 | 1458 Getwell Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Lil Angels in Training | 901-324-7788 | 3617 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Montessori School Threshold | 901-327-4980 | 581 Ellsworth St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Sunrise of Sherwood Community Servi | 901-323-5181 | 3577 Vanuys Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Wee Care Nursery School | 901-744-0082 | 1396 Getwell Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Ymca of Memphis and the Mid South | 901-323-4505 | 3548 Walker Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
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