Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Germantown, TN 38138
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Germantown TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Creary J Edwin Father | 901-754-1204 | 8151 Poplar Ave | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Germa | 901-755-3884 | 2385 Riverdale Rd | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
Faith Presbyterian Church | 901-754-4840 | 8816 Poplar Pike | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
Forest Hill Baptist Church | 901-754-7455 | 3645 Forest Hill Irene Rd | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
Germantown Christian Center | 901-753-7777 | 7040 Stout Rd | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
Germantown Church of Christ | 901-754-1668 | 8723 Poplar Pike | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
Germantown Presbyterian Church | 901-754-5195 | 2363 S Germantown Rd | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
Germantown United Methodist Churc | 901-753-3109 | 2331 S Germantown Rd | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
Germantown United Methodist Churc | 901-753-3100 | 2323 West St | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
Hope for Life International I | 901-624-8800 | 1825 Riverdale Rd | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
Redeemer Evangelical Church | 901-737-3370 | 7011 Poplar Ave | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
Riveroaks Reformed Presbyterian Ch | 901-755-7772 | 1665 S Germantown Rd | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
St George's Episcopal Church | 901-754-7282 | 8250 Poplar Ave | Germantown | TN | 38138 |
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