Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Memphis, TN 38105
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Memphis TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Collegiate Ministry | 901-525-8889 | 757 Court Ave | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Burning Bush Baptist Church | 901-525-7204 | 213 N Dunlap St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Campbell John J | 901-523-1656 | 324 Decatur St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Christian Unity Baptist Church | 901-527-1050 | 552 N 6th St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Christian Vision Center | 901-526-4265 | 218 N Lauderdale St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Collins Chapel Cme Church | 901-525-2872 | 676 Washington Ave | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 901-527-3243 | 245 Ayers St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee | 901-526-0023 | 692 Poplar Ave | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
First Baptist Church Chelsea | 901-527-4940 | 500 N 4th St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
First United Methodist Church | 901-527-8362 | 204 N 2nd St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Friendship Church of the Nazarene | 901-522-8368 | 775 N Parkway | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Greater Calvary Baptist Church | 901-525-6818 | 303 N Dunlap St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Hopewell Baptist Church | 901-527-2610 | 334 Ashland St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Lake Grove Baptist Church | 901-525-2717 | 265 Leath St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Light of Faith Family Church | 901-527-3963 | 556 N 4th St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Memphis Inner City Outreach Church | 901-527-8701 | 225 Exchange Ave | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Providence Ame Church | 901-523-1248 | 384 Decatur St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
St Mary's Catholic Church | 901-522-9420 | 155 Market St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
St Stephen Baptist Church | 901-525-0722 | 508 N 3rd St | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
Victory Temple Outreach Ministries | 901-524-1930 | 974 Jw Williams Ln | Memphis | TN | 38105 |
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