Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Memphis, TN 38111
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Memphis TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Audubon Park Baptist Church | 901-324-5541 | 4060 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Baptist Collegiate Minstries | 901-458-7580 | 469 Patterson St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Bibleway House of Prayer | 901-327-3007 | 3261 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Catholic Student Center | 901-323-3051 | 3625 Mynders Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Christian Science Readin G Room | 901-327-1318 | 3535 Central Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Christian Student | 901-452-1717 | 425 Patterson St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Cmecdc Homebuyer Center | 901-743-3008 | 3311 Kimball Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Cross Temple Church of God in Christ | 901-745-3700 | 3983 Geraldus Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
D M Q | 901-454-7777 | 645 Semmes St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Elliston Baptist Church | 901-743-4250 | 4179 Elliston Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Getwell Church of Christ | 901-743-0464 | 1511 Getwell Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Glory To God Love Ministries | 901-458-6249 | 901 Semmes St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
God Holy Word Church | 901-452-6011 | 3436 Park Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Grace Temple Church of God in Christ | 901-942-9126 | 3130 Ruby Ln | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Greater Life Missionary Baptist Church | 901-324-2055 | 3599 Vanuys Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Highland Street Church of Christ | 901-458-3335 | 443 S Highland St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Holy Trinity Community Church | 901-320-9376 | 685 S Highland St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church | 901-743-6421 | 3745 Kimball Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Hosanna Christian Center | 901-452-6572 | 3680 Rhodes Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Jackson Jerry L Rev | 901-327-8860 | 434 Boston St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 901-744-8141 | 3565 Kimball Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Jewish Student Union | 901-452-2453 | 3581 Midland Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Lewis Davis C M E Church | 901-323-5684 | 528 Baltimore St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Lord's Tabernacle Church | 901-327-1332 | 2806 Midland Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Masjid Alnoor | 901-432-0761 | 3529 Mynders Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Memphis Episcopal University Memp | 901-327-8943 | 409 Patterson St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Midsouth Presbytery | 901-324-7701 | 561 S Prescott St # B | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Mt Gilead Ministries | 901-744-4636 | 3997 Willowview Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
New Antioch Missionary Baptist Church | 901-323-9101 | 3485 Rhodes Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
New Grove Baptist Church | 901-327-2390 | 3910 Fizer Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Old Salem Baptist Church | 901-323-9041 | 368 Buntyn St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Olivet Baptist Church | 901-458-2548 | 3084 Southern Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Peace and Victory Missonary Bapti | 901-323-3074 | 1287 Getwell Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Presbyterian Place The | 901-323-6226 | 449 Patterson St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Prescott Memorial Baptist Church | 901-327-8479 | 961 Getwell Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Robinhood Lane Baptist Church | 901-458-8076 | 885 Robin Hood Ln | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Salem Gilfield Baptist Church | 901-743-5303 | 3176 Kimball Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Second Presbyterian Church | 901-454-0034 | 4055 Poplar Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Sgi-USA | 901-452-6153 | 840 S Highland St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
St Anne Church | 901-323-3817 | 706 S Highland St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
St Matthew's United Methodist Churc | 901-323-2318 | 1362 S Prescott St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Sweet Communion Ministry | 901-745-4510 | 3669 Kimball Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Temple of Christ Baptist Church | 901-743-1577 | 3484 Sharpe Ave | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Temple of Emanuel Baptist Church | 901-324-4733 | 1333 Railton Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Union Baptist Church | 901-458-2680 | 806 Semmes St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Williams Temple Church of God in Chris | 901-327-0245 | 508 Boston St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Willow Oaks Pentecostal Holiness Church | 901-743-6210 | 4229 New Willow Rd | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
Youth Baptist Church | 901-458-8908 | 758 Goodwyn St | Memphis | TN | 38111 |
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