Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Kingsport, TN 37660
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Kingsport TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Broad Street Barbecue | 423-245-9200 | 115 Broad St | Kingsport | TN | 37660 |
Catering With Class | 423-392-4209 | 620 Donelson Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37660 |
Clark L E Grocery | 423-349-7674 | 2645 Sullivan Gardens Pkw | Kingsport | TN | 37660 |
Giuseppe's Authentic Italian Cuisine | 423-288-5265 | 2539 E Stone Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37660 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Kingsport | 423-245-4455 | 813 Lynn Garden Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37660 |
My Little Buddies Restaurant | 423-288-4530 | 2819 N John B Dennis Pkwy | Kingsport | TN | 37660 |
Pratt's Catering | 423-246-2500 | 1225 E Stone Dr | Kingsport | TN | 37660 |
Yellow Rose Doughnuts | 423-477-0002 | 5049 Bobby Hicks Hwy Ste Ste | Kingsport | TN | 37660 |
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