Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Blountville, TN 37617
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Blountville TN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Airport Christian Church | 423-323-7302 | 152 Centenary Rd | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Bethel View Baptist Church | 423-323-7333 | 156 Mapleview Dr | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Blountville Christian Church | 423-323-5961 | 1680 Blountville Blvd | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Blountville United Methodist Churc | 423-323-5941 | 3390 Highway 126 | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Charity Baptist Church | 423-323-2244 | 123 Oak St | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Christian Fellowship | 423-279-0177 | 351 Rocky Branch Rd | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Faith Baptist Church | 423-323-4692 | 3819 Island Rd | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
First Baptist Church | 423-323-8033 | 3358 Highway 126 | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Gunnings Baptist Church | 423-323-4595 | 199 Shipley Ferry Rd | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | 423-323-8933 | 191 Central Heights Rd | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Island Road Evangelical Methodist Churc | 423-323-2900 | 2799 Island Rd | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Lighthouse Bible Church | 423-279-0144 | 371 Pleasant Hill Rd | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
New Life | 423-323-3163 | 1590 Highway 394 | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Riverview Baptist Church | 423-323-7012 | 681 Buffalo Rd | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Salem United Methodist Church | 423-323-7848 | 230 Boozy Creek Rd | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
Shekinah Church | 423-323-2242 | 394 Glory Rd | Blountville | TN | 37617 |
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